Sunday, 12 January 2025

A Prayer For Lighting Candles

Steph and I have both heard from friends in California, who have seen the smoke and the devastation, and been affected by the air quality [but live outside the evacuation zone] The BBC yesterday morning posted a map showing the size of the area affected.comparing it to New York, or London. I cannot take this in, it is devastating [and fires continue to spread]

I found this Shabbat Prayer for Los Angeles on a Jewish website. 

A Prayer for Lighting Candles

We give thanks for the ones who offer prayers.
We give thanks for the ones who take action.
We cannot heal the world without both,
We must pray AND we must do.

When so many people have vanished into the darkness
We light these candles, and say the blessings
And pray for those who have been injured or killed.
And pray for those who are worried, homeless and hungry.
And pray for those who are lost to themselves.
    May we all be joined in yearning holy conversation
    And pray when prayer is needed.
    We must pray AND we must do.

When so many people have vanished into the darkness
We light these candles
And bless those who are working so hard to make things better.

 May we join with the stubborn 
Of all places, religions, races, and sexual orientations,
Who, when times are hard, refuse to disappear,
Those who fight so hard for their communities
With food, advice and shelter - organizing. work and love
    - insistence and resistance.
    May we all be joined in holy struggle,
    and act when action is needed. 
    We must pray AND we must do.

We give thanks for the ones who offer prayers.
We give thanks for the ones who take action.
We cannot heal the world without both,
Blessed is our God, Source of Light!
We are holy with the obligation to speak goodness and do good
    As we light these candles,
    we will pray AND we will do. Amen.       [Trisha Arlin]

The Pasadena Synagogue, was totally destroyed, as were many churches, temples, mosques and other places of worship. May the members of these faith communities be given grace and strength to work together in the coming days, to help and support others.


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