Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Time And The Hour...

I've taken down the curtains, removed the hooks, and loosened the gathers. The label says "dry clean only". So I washed them on a quick and cold wash. What's done cannot be undone
They definitely look fresher and the rufflette tape is sparkling white. Out, damned spots! They will be dry by Thursday morning and I will be able to inter-line them. 
Today will be very busy. I have a physio appointment[back and hip issues, nothing too serious] and Bob has Pilates The labour we delight in physics pain

Then this evening, a somewhat belated birthday treat for Bob - a pre theatre meal, followed by an evening at Norwich Theatre watching Macbeth. A poor player struts and frets his hour on the stage. One of Bob's favourite Shakespeare plays.
Then home to bed... 
Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care
I couldn't cope with nothing at all at the windows, so we've hung my
 blanket over the doors [the side window has a vertical blind] I embroidered the blanket 10 years ago [story here] For the time being, it is better than nothing! As Macbeth did not say Is this a blanket I see before me? 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. I like the blanket being hung until the drapes are ready. :)

  2. Well done on washing the curtains-I try to wash mine wherever possible as it cost £80 to have our living room ones cleaned in the summer after the new double glazing went in. Norrie forgot to ask for the cost before he put them in otherwise I would have risked washing them too. Enjoy the Scottish Play and your meal. Catriona

    1. They will take longer to dry draped over the airer in the Futility Room than pegged outside in the summer - but I need to get the linings in NOW while it is cold!


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