Saturday, 20 May 2023

Buzzing Around

 The final weekend of our holiday - staying with Steph and her boys in Manchester. The city has used a bee for it's symbol for nearly 200 years - celebrating industry and community.

Since the bombing in 2017, the logo has been revived. You see bees everywhere walls,  windows,  floor tiles... It will be six years on Monday since the Arena Bombing [the Manchester IRA bomb was in 1996]
Steph and Gaz love their city - and I imagine George and Jacob will appreciate it too as they grow up. 
But today is actually World Bee Day
Read my previous posts about Bee Day here and here
We all need the bees, not just the Mancunians! 


  1. The Manchester Arena Bombing was 2017. It is relevant to give it the correct name as the Manchester Bombing (IRA) was in 1996.

    1. Thank you for the correction.

    2. It is significant as I am sure you will appreciate..

    3. I agree. There was much city-centre rebuilding after the IRA bomb, but I think even more revival of the bee 🐝 symbol in the last 6 years

  2. Enjoy your visit with your daughter and grandsons.

  3. Glad you have arrived safely in Manchester- it’s a city we love to visit as our daughter worked there for a time after she graduated. Catriona

  4. Yes Catriona, lots to see and do, especially on a day like this ☀️☀️

  5. I love bees and can't bear it if I see one struggling - have learned to give them a minute amount of sugar syrup, seems to revive them 9 times out of 10.
    Alison in Wales x

  6. How short-sighted it is for people to dismiss bees as unimportant. We need them more than they need us!
    Enoy the family hugs!


  7. The fun continues! I love the accent in Manchester too, sounds so warm and friendly.

  8. I'm always happy when I see bees in our yard. I did think of asking the local honey producer for a discount as I'm sure his bees are getting nectar from us! Bumblebees are wonderful, seem too heavy to fly but have no problem!
    Have a lovely time with the family.

  9. Seems I have a hive under my garden shed. Not sure what to do about it because I want to get a new shed at some point. They've come back from last year.

    1. Can your local council put you in touch with a beekeeper who will remove them?

    2. I got in touch with the council last year and they sent someone from pest control who suggested smoking them out! I categorically refused that suggestion! He also said they would move on this year which they quite clearly haven't. A local beekeeper is advertising to remove hives but not sure he could negotiate underneath the shed with minimal gaps for access.

    3. Oh how complicated for you 🐝🐝🐝

  10. The tiled floor in Manchester town hall is magnificent with it's bees, it really is worth looking at.

    1. Yes it IS magnificent as you say 🐝🐝🐝


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