Thursday 18 July 2024

An Unexpected Goody Bag!

Thank you everyone who sent such kind words yesterday. My journey went very smoothly, no traffic issues. I arrived with 10 minutes to spare. Roshan the dentist was brilliant, and the who procedure went smoothly. I had to be covered with a large blue paper 'blanket' and wear a green paper mob cap to keep things clean and tidy. I very nearly asked to take a selfie,but decided against it! Everything was carefully explained, and before each stage I was asked if I was happy. Because they needed to take x-rays, we were in the room with the camera - and that doesn't have Wally on the ceiling. But praying, breathing, and mentally reciting Psalm 23 kept me calm.
When I left I was unexpectedly given a goody bag
A paper carrier


2 tubes toothpaste

soft toothbrush

2 gauze pads

a record of the implant

a cool pack

"You Rock!" sticker

The little tubes of paste will be useful [we are going away this weekend] I've stuck the sticker on my phone case. The record book is useful - "In case you change dentists" said Roshan. I told himI am never going to another dentist. He says it is so hard when people turn up with dodgy procedures they have had done cheaply abroad, and there are no details anywhere.
The Cool Pack was Once the centre is squeezed the chemicals inside mix, and it cools vey rapidly. By the time I'd got home, the local anaesthesic was wearing off and my face really ached. I was able to take 2 paracetamol and lie on the bed, with the pack on my cheek. It really helped. I've rested all day.
I had a glass of Huel for lunch. But - oh bliss- when I said I would miss my cups of tea,  he said the important thing is to avoid hot drinks. So if I drink my tea lukewarm, that will be fine. As I make my tea in a pot, and often get distracted and forget about it, lukewarm tea is my default. So that's OK.
And yes, he was right, today was not as painful as the extraction of the dodgy tooth which the implant is replacing. Grateful for a good dentist, an efficient procedure, and such kind words from friends and famly. I'm still smiling...


  1. Phew! Hope you make a swift recovery.

  2. Good news that the procedure all went smoothly. Our dentist is in his 30’s and has been in the practice for 12 years. He now owns the practice with his brother so I am hoping he will be my dentist now for ever. Keep taking the painkillers-it May be slightly sorer today if my experience is anything to go by. X Catriona

    1. I feel quite knocked out this morning. It's gone 9 and I'm still in bed! Bob is making me scrambled eggs for breakfast πŸ₯šπŸ₯šπŸ₯š

  3. Glad the whole procedure went so well. I'm glad you were able to rest and hopefully, you'll take it easy for another day or so, too.

  4. I'm so relieved for you! Teeth procedures are traumatic!!! Kx

  5. I am pleased to hear all went well at the dentist. How lovely to have a dentist you feel you can trust and be comfortable with.

    1. I feel so blessed, too many of my friends cannot find a dentist

  6. I bet you feel drained even with a wonderful dentist this sort of procedure is an ordeal isn't it? Pleased you are smiling again😁. Regards Sue H

    1. Drilling into my bone and inserting a piece of titanium is not a trivial operation, now I think about it!!

  7. Good news. Hoping that your recovery continues well. I often leave my coffee until it is lukewarm too. I don't really mind.

    1. It's a teacher thing- you cannot have hot drinks near the children so you make it at the start of playtime, and drink it at the end!

  8. I think you were very brave Ang. Take it easy for a few days now.

  9. I'm glad it went well, and that you get to drink tea. The thought of me not being able to have coffee for 24 hours would have been horrendous, I guess lukewarm coffee would have been some consolation. I hope you continue to heal well and that Bob continues to make you nice soft foods and cool drinks.

    1. Thanks Sue. I am very well looked after!

  10. Such good news! Keep resting. JanF

  11. That's great, give yourself lots of rest x
    Alison in Wales x

  12. So glad your implant procedure went well. A good, caring dentist that you trust and feel comfortable with is worth their weight in gold!

  13. My dentist has TV screens over the chairs, and a streaming service that lets you pick your desired show. I had a crown placed while watching the Great British Bake-off, with captions on, and it was a lovely distraction!
    Glad your experience was nice, too.
    Anne in Wyoming

    1. I'm not sure I could cope with a TV programme during surgery!

  14. Glad it went well. Now take it easy. You've had what is tantamount to a minor op. x

    1. You're right. I've just lazed around all day!!

  15. So glad it went well. Now rest up. I have three implants, all in a row*, so I know it's not fun but also not that bad a process. Take the pain meds, and enjoy your luke warm tea! (*Lost the teeth when a benign bone growth under them was removed years ago).

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Celie!! The aching has certainly eased up today. Hoping for a good night's sleep now!

  16. So glad it went well. You must be happy to have this procedure behind you and to know that you have a dentist you can trust!


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