Friday 12 July 2024


If you are a Star Wars fan, you will know that ewoks are "sentient furry creatures, 1 metre tall, native to the Planet Endor. Skilled in primitive technology, they created gliders and catapults and helped the

 Alliance beat the Stormtroopers"  
In my back garden, however EWOK stands for Egyptian Walking Onion [from Kirsten]  The two plants she sent me last August split into four quite separate shoots, producing bulbils which made divided into more, and then leaned over...I've planted some of the small bulbils in a pot, and taken some of the red onions [size of large marbles] and planted them in the earth behind the oil tank. We wait to see what happens. Other red onions have been sliced into salad, or halved and fried off and dropped into casseroles and ragu sauces. And the green shoots chopped finely and sprinkled like chives. All very satisfactory [thanks K] 

Then there's NEPO. Bob was checking our shared calendar, and there was a mysterious entry saying "Breakfast with W @ NEPO" He knew who W was, but NEPO? I had to explain this is North Elmham Post Office.

An excellent spot to meet with friends for breakfast, elevenses, light lunch or tea and cake...

But the rest of the world has a different understanding of NEPO - it is shorthand for Nepotism Baby or Nepo Baby. That is, someone who follows a famous parent into the same line of work - leaving many to question if they would have got the same breaks if they'd 'come up the hard way' without all the right connections.
The term has nepo has become popular in the last 4 or five years, but the concept has been around much longer, particularly in the film & TV industry.

Take this list

Jamie Lee Curtis-Tony Curtis 
Michael Douglas-Kirk Douglas
Paris Hilton-Richard Hilton
Angelina Jolie-Jon Voight
Jane Fonda-Henry Fonda
Lily Allen-Keith Allen
Charlie Sheen-Martin Sheen
Nancy Sinatra-Frank Sinatra
Hilary Benn-Tony Benn
Kate Hudson-Goldie Hawn
Miley Cyrus -Billy Ray Cyrus
Stella McC-Paul McCartney
Kiefer Sutherland-Donald Sutherland
Not to mention the acting dynasties - check out Samuel West's relations, the Redgraves, the Cusacks, the Foxes...and all those Katdashians
Well, as of this week, there's a new NEPO  out there on the BBC. Son-of-celebrity-chef, Jamie, Buddy Oliver is hosting his own show on CBBC. I watched on i-player whilst working through the ironing mountain. And I really did enjoy it. 
Buddy is approaching 14, and has been making short YouTube cookery clips for about 4 years. This new show, Cooking Buddies has this lad teaching another young teen to prepare a simple dish - and then his guest teaches him a skill [boxing, football, karate] I thought it was fun. These young people were patient with one another, complimentary when things went well, and encouraging when they didn't - with plenty of good humour thrown in. 
I know some people think there's altogether too much Jamie O on TV - but personally I thought this personable young chap came across really well. And he has clearly learned much more from his dad than just knife skills! I shall definitely be talking to Rosie about this show next time I see her.
Today the BBC is designating "Just One Thing" day, in tribute to the late Michael Mosley. I hope there is not too much unctuous hagiography,[I suspect MM would have hated that] but I shall try and catch a few of the highlights on TV and radio.


  1. You've certainly made your EWOKS work for you! I've gave stalk full of bulbils to a friend for his veg patch, with a warning to check it out on the Internet!

  2. I hope this lot flourish again next summer. You are very generous!

  3. I do wonder if EWOKs could become a danger to the planet....slinking their way towards a goal, slowly but purposefully. Watch your back, Ang!

  4. Thanks for explaining nepo-baby-I had no idea what it meant! I like that your are using your onions now-you are really getting the hang of gardening. Happy weekend. Catriona

  5. I had seen lots about Buddy's new book but didn't realise that he had a new series to accompany it, it sounds like a good sort of show for young people. The Oliver's do seem to have a good family dynamic ... nepo or not. :-)

    1. Yes they do - family values appear to be very strong down the generations

  6. Before you mentioned them some time ago, I'd never heard of walking onions! I like the idea of them and they sound like a vegetable that keeps on giving! JanF

    1. I never knew about them till Kirsten sent me two!

  7. Those walking onions look a little scary!

  8. Just one question - is nepo, as in nepo baby, pronounced "neepo" or "neppo"? I've seen it written down many times but never heard it said. Nicky K

    1. I think it's knee poe. But I'm not sure I've ever heard it said out loud!

  9. I'm intrigued by the walking onions; I might try to order some to grow in my garden, next year.

  10. I'd never heard of an Egyptian Walking Onion but definitely had heard of EWOKs and NEPOs. You live and learn! It's a very funny name for an onion, I rather like it.

  11. I'm wishing this young man, Buddy every success in his venture. Your EWOKS are amazing. I shall have to look out for them next year. They look fun to grow.

    1. They are so easy to grow and a real talking point for visotors


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