Monday 1 July 2024

Three Blind Mice

 Well, to be accurate, six headless mice! They do look a bit sinister...

I've progressed a little further - but completion was slightly delayed as I waited for the eyes. I've been using my original prototypes [or Adam and Eve as I have been calling them] as models for the outfits, and working on different costumes.
This is a definite learning curve. I have realised that the mice need a little bit of support to stand. 

As I don't want them lounging drunkenly against the walls of Museum, I have retrofitted their tails with lengths of green garden wire. These can then be bent into shape to support the mice. Future creatures will have the wires inserted earlier in the construction. This reel of wire was purchased at Gillingham SavaCentre,  in 1982. I used a few feet of it making a mobile to hang over the baby's cot.
Mr and Mrs Noah plus ark, and a few animals dangled and swung over baby Liz, and then Steph. I still have the felt ark somewhere!I have used the reel often since, so cannot complain that I have not had my money's worth [£1.45]
As I make these, I am considering carefully how I will make future animals for the shop. They are quite fiddly, and these are not as consistent as I'd like [but as they will be in six different rooms, and I'm not charging the Museum for them, that's ok.] 
I'm alarmed to see that some similar felt mice are on sale online for over £60. I would not dream of charging that much - maybe the people who make those need to cover the cost of their time as well as materials.
How is it July already? Where is the time going?


  1. Time stampedes on and I only have 3 weeks left with my lovely year 6 children, only a week and 2 days till Treasure island and 2 weeks till my Summer concert (& many other performances!)
    I'm eagerly anticipating the finished mice and enjoying hearing of their challenges! Kx

    1. I do hope all your end of term activities go well and you have all the energy that you need!

  2. Those headless mice are like zombies! LOL! You certainly got good value on that purchase of garden wire!
    Yes, hard to believe that the first half of the year is over, isn't it?

    1. Even though I consider myself a gardener now, the wire remains inside in my Craft Store!

  3. Can't have drunken mice! They must be very fiddly to make. I look forward to seeing them with heads and faces.

    1. Incredibly fiddly. Cannot work on them after 8pm, as I am tired and make mistakes

  4. The mice are very cute and life-like. Such fine, finicky sewing, each little fiddly limb, I am impressed. When I say life-like, obviously they are missing their heads! Look forward to seeing them plus their heads and whiskers.

    1. 🤣 Still trying to figure out the best way to affix whiskers. Julian helped me to put in the ones for Adam and Eve - but Eve's keep coming out! That's partly the weak woven fabric. This afternoon I am planning to try somehow stitching them firmly on the INSIDE of the felt head before I stuff it. TBH the heads take as long as the rest of the mouse [including the clothing!]

  5. Good progress with the mice. Would it be possible to make the whiskers with one piece of wire/floss and put a little bit of glue on the part that will reach the middle of the head? I can see clearly what I mean but you may not-sorry. I must finish my memory bear that I almost finished at a class a few weeks ago but I have lost the notion for it. We finally have rain to greet July and the flowers are sighing with relief. Catriona

    1. Great minds think alike- I've just picked up Bob's Super glue. I've pulled two lengths of whisker through and stitch it to the central seam allowance inside. But it still slides, do I hope a blob of glue will hold it on place

  6. I wouldn't have the patience! Would they be easier if they were a little larger?

    1. Then I think they'd be too big to be cute, and look more ratlike

  7. What a work of love and patience, I can imagine that the £1.45 felt like quite a lot back then? Wonder how much that wire costs now.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, it was a lot! But I do wanted my baby to have a mobile!

  8. Could the whiskers be something which goes right through the head ( jaw) rather than a set each side? JanF

    1. You are right - see my reply to Catriona above. The problem is stopping the whiskers sliding right through

  9. I laughed when I read, "As I don't want them lounging drunkenly against the walls of Museum,.... " I can see a future for drunken mice in some scenario somewhere, but obviously not in Museum displays for children to spot.


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