Tuesday 2 July 2024

Warm, Wonderful Weekend

Saturday was bright and sunny for the Duck Race. Organised by "Friends of All Saints" - a group who work to preserve the Parish Church, a listed building.
There were lots of gazebos around the large field which is the 'back garden' of Castle Farm. As well as all the usual commercial stalls, [face painting, gifts, cosmetics, etc]  FOAS had kindly given space to Dereham Cancer Care and The Shed Project - two local community groups. The person with the bear head must have been so hot. There was an also an area with games [Hook the Duck, Cornhole Toss, Pot-the-Marbles etc]
Loads of people came to look at the Shed Stand - I'd made a big display poster with photographs of projects the men have done, and pictures of their refurbished workspace.

Bob had a collection of woodworking related books old and new - dating back to Victorian tool catalogues. Adults appreciated a seat in the shade- and children loved making their little boats - all the blanks got used up. Parents were grateful for "A purposeful activity, which is also free' as one person described it.
We gathered on the bank to watch the ducks come home. My duck [#0827] did not come in the first three. The winner was #1235. I believe the prizes were £100, £50, £25 and £10. There was over £1000 raised just on duck tickets. I'm not sure how much was raised in total but there were a lot of folk there.

 Once the race was done, and the boats were all built, at about 1.15, I went and queued for lunch - but when the couple in front of me reached the head of the line, we were told there was no hot food left. I bought a frozen yogurt with mixed berries on top which we shared. Later he was given some tea by the FOAS ladies [because he had fixed their urn at the start of the day] and another yogurt by the lady at that van [he'd provided the necessary heavy duty power extension so they could run their fridge] We were home by 5, and Bob cooked a splendid meatballs-in-pasta sauce evening meal. We flopped in front of the TV!

Sunday was another lovely day, we began with a brief worship service at church, followed by our AGM. Not a dull meeting - but one full of joy as we looked back at all the exciting things we had done during the year - and gave thanks for all God's blessings. We miss the two members who have moved to Bath, and remembered our dear friend Jason who died at Christmas - but rejoiced that we have gained seven new members, and we have a growing congregation. 
And we celebrated the fact the Daphne has been a member for 60 years, with a bring&share lunch, and cake! She was presented with a hamper of food, a card, a Certificate of Appreciation and a gift token from the Garden Centre. Wendy had organised the food, so we had a really delicious spread, with something for everyone.

I feel very blessed to be surrounded by so many kind and generous people. Saturday I met many new people, some of whom I hope to keep in touch with. Sunday I was with old friends [I first met Daphne in 1965!] And the sun shone.
And this is the start of another busy week...


  1. 'and the sun shone'! What a lovely day.

  2. What a wonderful weekend you had. I hope the Shed has more new members from your hard work and it’s splendid news that you have new church members to. I’m shortening two pairs of shed trousers-the kind with lots pockets and then I may look at some sewing for pleasure. Catriona

    1. "Chore" sewing is comforting, like tea and toast. "Pleasure" sewing is the jam or marmalade which makes it even better

    2. What a lovely way of putting it! JanF

  3. What a lovely post, the sun positively radiates from your words.

    We had a weekend guest who left a bright and sunny Scotland, and ended up having a cold and rainy weekend with us. The sun is trying to get out at the moment, but I'm sat at my desk shivering.

    1. Cold and wet here too. The dining table is still covered with mouse materials, so we ate lunch on our laps in the lounge - yesterday we sat at the table in the garden for our meals!

  4. That was a great weekend and what a happy celebration party for Daphne with well thought out gifts and a superbly decorated cake! She must have felt so treasured. JanF

    1. She has been a good friend to so many people - she richly deserved this sign of our affection for her

  5. It's lovely to read about these two excellent events, and to hear of the lady who has been with the church 60 years, one of those people that are the backbone of our faith!

    1. Honest and faithful, and always putting others first

  6. Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend! I'm glad you had a sunny day for the duck race. :)

  7. It's bizarrely changeable weather!


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