Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Baby Boom

This summer, a number of friends have had babies – so I have been busy crafting gifts. Bibs and a facecloth on the embroidery machine – finished last Sunday just before I came away on holiday.


And then Steph had requested some machine-knit baby blankets for friends at her church. I had awful trouble with tangled wool

IMG_0241 I thought I would never get them done. But I managed the knitting eventually, then brought them here to sew up. They are done and dusted, with their cards,ready for Steph to take back to London tonight.


The cards explain the symbolism of the pattern [Water of Life, Guiding Star, Anchor of Faith, Crown of Glory] Now back to my other holiday craft projects!


  1. Your blankets and bibs are gorgeous Angela, you always seem to be busy!

  2. Wow, that's all so (sew?) impressive, what beautiful gifts. Wish I lived close enough to come to your sewing classes. The blankets are just lovely. I hadn't realised you had a knitting machine, although I knew you hand knitted, did the blankets take long to make & what ply yarn did you use? Looking forward to more crafts being unveiled. Have a happy and restful break, x

  3. The little blankets are so pretty.

  4. I've been commissioned for two baby sets by a lady having twins. She asked for prem sizes so i thought they'd be quick but they are so fiddly irt's taking longer lol
    Love your blankets though.
    x x x

  5. The bibs are cute. Love the blankets. I was given a knitting machine, years ago, but I have no interest in it at the moment.


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