Sunday, 11 August 2013

Space Academy – Final Sunday

Just a huge, huge thank you to everyone who made Holiday Club possible. The people who donated beforehand - bottles for rockets and beads for crowns, the people who prayed for us every day**, the people who were here all week, running groups, making refreshments, clearing up, Hayley and the Task Force for their support during sessions, and performing the dramas, Matty on the PA, the Space Band [and Ian for his Daniel song] the children who came, the families who brought them…too many people to list.

The three dozen main Team Members in the orange tee shirts got special space rocket thankyou cards from Bob and myself.

But for the rest of you, a picture of the cards…


We couldn’t do it without your support.

**I know many of you who follow the blog were supporting us – in India, Canada, France…all over the place. Thanks so much. It helps!


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