Sunday 12 February 2017

Easter And Eagles

28th February is Shrove Tuesday [do call in for a pancake, if you happen to be passing our house that evening] and Lent begins on 1st March. 
Two years after I started blogging, I got involved in the great Pause In Lent blog-fest originally organised by Floss. 
This will be the 8th year I have done it. Floss is very busy with other important domestic matters at the minute, as well as doing sterling work helping refugees in France, so I know she's happy for me to facilitate it again.
The aim is just to spend a quiet moment during the weekends of Lent to reflect on what this season is all about. You could say it's a bit like our Pause In Advent, but without the chocolate!
If you are interested in joining as a contributor, please comment below- or you can just read the other bloggers [I'll put a list on my sidebar] The dates are the 4 weekends in March plus the first 2 in April - but don't worry about doing all 6 posts [Easter Sunday is 16th]. Last Sunday I blogged about the Albanians and their eagles. My friend Andrew has sent me a picture of his Albanian Eagle. 
He did not give me any details, but I imagine this is on display in his church in Beckenham, reminding the folk there to pray for their friends far away.
Bob is currently preaching a sermon series on Abraham - so this week I have been singing an ancient hymn to myself, "The God Of Abraham Praise" [you can listen to it hereThat has a verse about eagles in it...
He by himself has sworn;
I on his oath depend.
I shall, on eagle wings up borne,
To heaven ascend.
I shall behold his face;
I shall his power adore
And sing the wonders of his grace
Forever more.


  1. I'd like to join in with Pause for Lent, thank you for organising it again !

  2. I will be posting about 40 Acts at but will try to do a Pause for Lent as well. But it may not last!!

  3. I will try to join in Ang, thanks!


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