Saturday 8 July 2017

Jammie Dodgers

Liz and I will be dodging our work, home and family responsibilities today. Courtesy of Bonne Maman Jam.
We will be enjoying a 24 hour 'pamper break' at Champneys Health Spa, at Liphook in Hampshire. 
You'll find an explanation here.
After the incredible busyness of the last couple of weeks, I'm really looking forward to properly relaxing with Liz. 
This should be a real treat for the pair of us.
Liz said she is packing some biscuits, just in case the food is all Very Worthy and Healthy. That's my girl!


  1. You really deserve this Angela.

  2. I hope you have a lovely day. I've only been to a spa once and found it very weird to be floating about in a white fluffy dressing gown bent on relaxation. It was quite a relief to get back to normal busyness at the end of the day.

  3. Hope you are enjoying your spa day! And the biscuits! :)

  4. Thank you for your kind words - I'll do a report next week. We had a great time


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