Tuesday 18 July 2017

Y Pray?

I am in London this week for my WWDP Committee Part of this will be planning the Y-Pray? Conference next May. 

If you - or someone you know - is in the 20-40 [ish] age bracket, this might interest you.
Y-Pray? is the WWDP weekend conference, held in alternate years at the beautiful King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton.
The name Y-Pray stands for two things
Y-Pray means why pray? a challenge to grow closer to God, and develop a stronger prayer life.
Y-Pray means youth pray – an invitation to younger women to discover more about our worldwide prayer movement.
Why not encourage those you know to come and enjoy a great weekend of faith, fellowship and fun?
In 2018, the dates are May 4th - 6th and our keynote speaker is inspirational Emily Owen, Worship Leader is gifted Helen Pollard - and Saturday night's entertainment will be provided by brilliant illusionist Steve Price. Email me for more details 

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