Thursday 12 August 2021

First Class Male

He's here! The large parcel arrived on Tuesday morning.
It took me half an hour to get it opened - The US Postal Service had stuck labels all over the package, obscuring Jolly on the front and back. But inside was a large red felt envelope
And inside that

[1] His journal - with a pocket holding Jolly and his passport. [2] Jolly's "dates" enclosed in a couple of large pink envelopes. [3] A plastic bag with a note for me from MaryK

The passport is full of lovely stamps and dates recording his travels thus far. The journal is an amazing piece of artwork. Every hostess has added a story in her envelope, and extra illustrations

There are pictures, recipes, poems, quotes...

The next blank page faces a yellow envelope for "Angela's Story" [don't panic, Ang, you can do this...]

Jolly has already had dates with a dozen women. His head must be swimming!

MaryK, an accomplished artist, sent me a lovely note, lavender bag, plus hand painted bookmark, and greetings card  [Thank you MK]

What a lot of work has gone into this already. I suspect I shall be enlisting the help of my family to plan Jolly's time - and his 'dates' - whilst he is here in Norfolk. 


  1. What a wonderful idea! I've never seen anything like it!

    1. PomPom in the USA first organised a world tour in 2012 - for Mr Toad, Ratty and Mole. Then she did one for Badger. Now she's matchmaking for The Jolly Postman. It's just a bit of childish fun - but a lovely way to link blogfriends round the world.

    2. Is there a name for this sort of circulating letter/journal/work of art?

    3. I really don't know! There ought to be. Perhaps somebody out there knows, or can suggest a name. "Tour of Blogland"?

  2. Sounds like Jolly will have a lovely visit with you! :)

    1. I'm wondering if I need to make him a covid safe face mask!

  3. Have fun with Jolly and his new dates!

    1. I am glad it is the summer and there is plenty happening

  4. That must have been exciting to get the package with Mr Jolly coming to you! A nice distraction from the construction woes.

  5. This is terrific. Something done by adults for pure fun!
    Will we get to see your contribution?

    1. Most definitely. The hostesses this far appear to have had Jolly with them for between 2 and 4 weeks, and I'm aiming for the same. But matchmaking is not something to be hurried, and I need to plan Jolly's "dates" carefully!

  6. I'm so excited about this! I loved my time with Mr Badger so I can't wait to see what happened!

  7. Think I'm up next, gulp, somewhat technically challenged at mo what with laptops, phones and cameras but will sort something out, plus I can't draw a tree to save myself! Looking forward to your pages.

    1. Do NOT worry. It will be a few weeks before Jolly leaves here [things have suddenly got busier, so I won't be terribly quick at this] And PomPom isn't expecting us all to be great artists, just to have a bit of fun.

  8. I've been following Mr. Jolly on his quest to find a wife and I'm enjoying reading about all his travel and adventures.
    Good luck with this new adventure of your own. I look forward to reading more about Mr. Jolly. Have fun.


    1. Thank you Julia - I wonder how many of us are following Jolly's Journey? and how many countries are represented?

  9. Oh how fun! Jolly is so lucky! I have yet to visit England!🥰 Pom Pom is lovely!🥰

    1. Maybe you will get to England one day. But we can all enjoy 'visiting' different places in Blogland

  10. I'm sure Jolly will have a lovely visit with you.

    All the best Jan

  11. It's so fun to see old familiar Jolly, who I enjoyed here on my little desk in the US, over there in YOUR home in England!! (Lucky fellow) I'm so glad he arrived safely. Will enjoy seeing what he gets up to at your home :)

  12. It was a lot of work, but you'll enjoy it! ;) Will he be taking a trip to his hometown while he's in the area? Have fun!


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