Thursday 19 September 2024


Sunday evening - watched Grace on TV. I do like that police series, as I am especially fond of Brighton,
Monday morning; first I went to the Foodbank Warehouse with over 100kg of donations. The staff were especially grateful that things were sorted into categories[thanks to the helpful girls from Sunday Club who sorted out tins, pasta , toiletries etc into separate bags after the morning service.]
Then onto craft group - eight of us had brought back our mosaic tiles - don't they look good?
In the evening after the Quizzy bits, we caught up with NightSleeper. I may not travel on a train for a while...
Tuesday I did my volunteer visitor stint at the Hospital then came home for lunch. Bob had been attempting to get somewhere with his orthopaedic consultation. Progress - after initially being told November 2025, he now has a cancellation appointment on Saturday Morning. Hallelujah! Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement. I will keep you posted on that one. In the evening I sewed mouse dresses and mob caps.

Wednesday I went to Tall Orders for tea and scones with my oldest  friend Christine, as it is her birthday this week. It was very good to sit and chat. I cant believe we've been friends over half a century. Or that this year I was so disorganised that I delivered her birthday gift on August 20th instead of September!
In the afternoon I had an email from someone having trouble placing an order with my shop. Having got the other issues sorted, it transpired that there was a further problem with the online payment system. Bob was brilliant and together we got it sorted. All seems to working well now, I just need to get all the new stock in place. I had a lovely card from the recipient of the gonk. 
And in between all those things, I have been plugging away at decluttering, and making marmalade [with Mamade Tins, not from scratch!] and getting the garden tidied for winter.
Monty Don's tomato tip works! I put a load of green cherry tomatoes in a brown paper bag with a banana - and they are ripening beautifully. As I removed all the bean stuff, I found some dry pods from the little French beans - and have harvested a load of bean seeds for next year. Also saved some seeds from the yellow cherry toms that Jess loves so much.
I have completely lost a box of squares of paper which I'd prepared for Kusudama Flowers. It is quite small [about 4" square and 3" high] So I dived into a CS on my way back to the carpark yesterday. I bought a paperback with over 900 pages for £1. That represents nearly 100 flowers for the workshop I am running in October!
And I could not resist this one. Over ninety activiy ideas for indoors and out,through the four seasons on sunny days and rainy days. I love the MMM stories, and read them to the girls, and now to Rosie and Jess. This will definitely be in use over half term. Most of the ideas are things I have done before - but the instructions are clear, and beautifully illustrated using pictures from the original books.
Today I have set aside for sewing, and Friday afternoon we are visiting friends.
So all is good [and our afternoon cups of tea have been accompanied by a small slice of anniversary cake]
Someone pointed out it is 99 days till Christmas. I am not going to worry about that, I am enjoying September.
I was sorry it was so cloudy on Tuesday night though- I did want to see the Supermoon! Did you see it?


  1. Lots to comment on! The tiles are beautiful! Bravo!
    That book sounds a bargain. I do like nice easy craft books!
    That was very helpful re the harvest sorting! I must get some things for our church harvest!
    How great to have known Christine so long!
    Hope all is well with you and love and prayers for Bob! Kezzie x

    1. The book is super - some ideas look very good for class activities [will send you info] 👍

  2. Goodness, you have had an in and out busy time.

  3. Sounds like a busy week! I'm sure the foodbank was happy to receive the donations you took in. The mosaic tiles look great! So glad that Bob has been scheduled for an appointment this Saturday!

    1. The appointment was the 'icing on the cake' as they say - rather appropriate with our anniversary cake too...

  4. Whew you have had a busy but successful time. We did get to see the super moon here as the sky was clear for most of the night, no photos though I'm not very adapt at taking photos. I loved the Milly Molly Mandy books and wanted hair just like hers. We are off to the Rye Festival of Arts today to see Robert Harris talk about his new book, he is one of our favourite authors. I hope you enjoy your sewing day. Regards Sue H

    1. Oooh I have read good reviews of RHs latest book and hope to get it from the library, Enjoy your day. I am glad you got to see the SuperMoon

  5. I still have my original MMM books. weren't they lovely! You are bound to find your little box now you have bought replacements!

    1. You're so right. It turned up this morning. I shall save the book for later!

  6. Good grief, you've been fully occupied! It makes me feel exhausted just reading about it all! Love FD xx

  7. I need a sit-down after reading about your past few days! But so many joys along the way.

  8. I've been really enjoying Grace again too, good storylines and nice characters. Those tiles are lovely.

    I used to read all the Milly Molly Mandy stories when I was little. Marmalade made from the Mamade tins is usually really tasty and it's such a quick way to have lots of homemade marmalade too.

    1. I think Grace is under rated. As you say, Mamade is quick. I usually add peel and juice of an extra piece of citrus (lemon or lime) to make it a little sharper

  9. A very successful time and I'm sure the food bank were grateful for the donations. We received a wedding anniversary card last week from Stepmum which was a lovely thought but our anniversary is February. I told her I'd keep it until then. Aren't best friends a bonus, my friend Lizz and I have been 'besties' since aged 5, we are now 71. Hugs Xx

    1. Stepmum obviously felt that September was an important month for you! And a 66 year friendship is wonderful 😊

  10. Crikey you're a busy little bee! Thanks for the green tom tip. The supermoon was very bright! Good for Bob hurrying up an appointment. If say you were very organised being a birthday month ahead!

    1. I must be the only one whomissed the moon!

  11. Wow-you must be ready to relax now. That’s great news about an appointment for Bob and hope he will receive some news about the way forward. I like the MMM book-what a great find. It’s u3a first meeting of the new year at 2pm so I better get tidied up ready to walk down to the church hall. Catriona

    1. You are very good. I'd be tempted to announce "I'm going out, will tidy up later" and disappear out the door!!

  12. Had to laugh when you mentioned mistaking the date of your friend's birthday. It must be catching as I also sent birthday greetings to a Scottish friend in the wrong month, but mine was reverse to yours--a month too late! However, she said she was happy to get my greeting as it gave her the excuse to have a piece of cake to celebrate it again. Clever woman. :)

    1. I don't need an excuse to have cake, as my waistline will bear witness

  13. Ps meant to say wasn't this week's University Challenge exciting. Winning team were miles ahead. Felt sorry for the losers. They did try hard.

    1. Oh yes! Only Connect had two brilliant teams, neck and neck all through - and then UC had such an apparent disparity - I too felt sorry for the losers.

  14. I do love the tiles, they all look good together.
    The moon has been very much in evidence here, and our lampless road and garden were lit up so well that we could have gone walking with no problem or need of flashlights.
    So glad to hear that Bob has got an early cancellation appointment. God is good!

    1. I'm pleased you saw the moon too. Yes, God is good


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