Monday 23 September 2024

Another Ten Days Decluttering

 👜 September 11-20 was a lot more haphazard. I began with a bag and then, whilst hunting for something in the Futility Room, found a couple of drawers which needed sorting. And my 55 'items' are a bit random. I think I have cheated - but I have achieved something...

ONE a cotton tote bag for the Charity Shop
TWO disposable paper face masks in the back of the drawer since 2020! 
THREE spare tupperware [put into CS bag]
FOUR leggings,tops from my running days [a decade ago] CS 🩳
FIVE dead plants in pots hidden behind my herb trough. To compost 🥀
SIX copies of Private Eye. Recycled
 plastic bottles from bathroom, each with a small amount in. Liquid soap, shower gel and shampoo all put together in one bottle as a general purpose handwash.  Empties recycled
EIGHT stained, stiff and unpleasant dishcloths from FR drawers [see** below] Binned
NINE loo roll tubes. I have plenty for planting and crafting. Recycled.
TEN mailing lists 'unsubscribed' - reducing the clutter in my in-box.
**In January I bought a pack of 10 'wettex' dishcloths. I have three currently in circulation. They get used, then dropped in the regular laundry and are still as strong and absorbent as Day 1. Bob did use one for some serious workshop related cleaning task, and threw it away afterwards [he didn't know it could be composted] but I think my pack will last me for some years yet. So I am not keeping the old fabric ones which I have no use for.

1 comment:

  1. The tune for '12 days of Christmas' started up in my head as I read the list... decluttering always puts me in a good mood!


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