Monday, 17 March 2025

But Are They A REAL Company?

There is more to life than the new kitchen, and I am not going to let this project dominate the blog. But already there have been things which have made us smile. So to brighten up your day too I share this...

Paying for it - well, I figured out that if we consolidated all the various savings pots into one, and paid them into the main bank account, that would work. But if we paid with the M&S Card we'd have 'protection' and also lots of loyalty vouchers [and we'd pay the card balance promptly from the bank account]
Step One, up the credit limit a little bit to ensure we could do this. We always pay off the bill each month, but in case of the unexpected [like last week's £400 garage bill because Bob's car locks weren't working] we wanted to be sure we were not going to incur extra interest charges. This is relatively straightforward. You send M&S an application for the increase, and say what it is for [if you say "guns and drugs", presumably, they refuse. But "kitchen renovation" is OK] and you have to send details of your earnings or pension. The moment the approval came through, Bob contacted our Online Designer to confirm our order and pay Only she was off sick!
Step Two, contact IKEA Customer Services, and point out the Spring 10% offer runs out on 1st March. No problem, they said, because you are at the point of ordering you will still have a 28 day 'grace period' to pay up. But we want to get on with it, please! The 
guy was very helpful - explaining he would send the bill, plus a security code, which would be valid till midnight. A two part bill - worktops, and everything else.
Step Three, go online, input the code. Pay Bill 1, then Bill 2. So Bob paid Bill 1, then tried in vain to pay Billl 2. My phone pinged [I am the primary cardholder] "Your card has been blocked due to suspicious activity". I telephoned M&S and had the most surreal conversation....
Why has my card been blocked?
    Just the second card, suspicious activity. £742 at 11.15am
Yes, my husband was paying for our new kitchen
    That's a lot of money for a new kitchen [what?! This bloke hasn't bought a kitchen lately]
That is just the first part of the bill. You know we are doing this, it was in our application for n increased credit limit. Which you have already approved. 
    Are you sure this isn't a scam? 
Of course I am sure, we are buying from IKEA
    But are they a REAL company? [where does he live? I know they have no stores in Norfolk, but...] 
Yes, I am sure - they are a huge Swedish company, with outlets across the globe [I decided against saying that allegedly 50% of European children are conceived in IKEA beds!]
    But have you used them before?
Yes, since 1988 when they opened their first UK store in Wembley. You have cancelled my husband's card and I think you should not have done so.
    We have to be careful about suspicious transactions. He will get a new card within 5 working days. 
But we have to pay the second part of the bill before midnight tonight. Can I use my card for that
    Well OK, but only if you are completely sure IKEA is a real company and this is not a scam.
The work goes on, the game of Tetris continues in the back bedroom as I hunt for random kitchen tools and food items which I know are in a box somewhere in there. Julian WhatsApped me
"Dear Lord and Lady Kitchener, your cousin wants to see you, would you have an available bed?"
I cheerfully replied that the sofabed in the lounge was clear for him this week.
I think he may get a more comfortable bed with Lord and Lady Kitchener-Fellowes [another Julian] but possibly have less fun!



  1. Oh my word, and Bob a 'man of the cloth' too.... well done for patience and perseverance. Lent is doing its work.... 😇

  2. This is hilarious!! In a really, not funny at the time way!!! I had a problem like this when I was supposed to be paying the deposit for our mortgage on Exchange Day. They refused to make the payment from my online account and I had to leave school early and try to go to the bank and the they wouldn't accept my signature as apparently it had changed too much from my online one! Can't even remember how it was resolved in the end!!

    1. You are not the first person I know who has had trouble with their signature being recognised!

  3. What a palaver! Perhaps the customer services assistant was a new starter and was having to follow the script word for word whilst his performance was being monitored. I can't think of another reason for someone not knowing about IKEA.

    1. I think that you may be right about the script/tick box thing.

  4. Unbelievable!! A real company?? I do hope you will put a review/report in to Ikea, as they need to up their game somewhat!

  5. What a huge bunch of aggravation. I am surprised that they questioned whether IKEA was a real company? It is amazing that you can remain cheerful.

    1. I think Tracy has made a wise comment - he was probably following a script!

  6. When you have any trouble with M and S credit card, phone the Cheshire call centre. We learned this the hard way one Christmas Eve when Norrie’s card was hacked and they stopped mine at the till in our local M and S! We had to wait until well into the new year for replacement cards. Glad to hear the kitchen is nearer to being a reality. Catriona

    1. That is helpful to know. The plasterer is working on the ceiling as I type this [well, he is standing on the floor, but you know what I mean!]

  7. Well, I guess one can't accuse the credit card people for not making sure that the transaction is valid and not a scam! At least you were able to pay the bill before midnight!

    1. Yes, they were thorough, and the bill is paid. All good.👍👍

  8. When we were rebuilding our kitchen before our daughter’s wedding I had taken a couple of months designing and redesigning until we had something that both of us would accept. We went to IKEA to order it but I thought of something else and said I wanted to recheck one measurement. “Okay, but we definitely order it tomorrow”, said husband through gritted teeth (time was getting on and he was afraid we wouldn’t finish on time). When we returned the next day, unknown to us, it was the first day of their “get 15% of your kitchen purchase back in gift cards” promotion. So, we got $1700 in gift cards which paid for all the pull-out baskets, a new kitchen table and four chairs, plus new matching curtains and rails for the kitchen, dining room, and living room as we were now open plan. I’ll never forget the look on the faces of the people behind us in line when we went to the checkout with two or three small items and a stapled bunch of papers which rung in at over $14,000!

    1. Oh how utterly wonderful!

    2. I remember that too, not the gift card bit but the intense effort to get the kitchen done!

  9. Why is it when you call customer "service" it is usually the last thing you receive?
    Glad it all resolved in your favour...though presumably you now need a mouth guard from all the teeth grinding. :)

    1. We refer to the woman on the phone as the Customer Caroline

  10. Your experience made me think of a situation comedy. I am glad it is sorted now! JanF

  11. Mm! IKEA now who are they? Yes I think I have heard of them not sure where. Doh! Regards Sue H

  12. Very bizzare encounter with M&S customer services but I'm glad everything got resolved before midnight :-)

  13. I can hardly believe that the person from M&S hadn't heard of IKEA in this day and age! What planet have they been living on?


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