Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Neither King Arthur, Nor King Cole, But Definitely King Charles [And Some Other Little Stars]

We had a fabulous mini-break in Essex, with a few little hiccups, but a lot of laughs. We knew we needed a couple of days 'away from it all', so at the start of January, I booked two nights b&b in a Hotel on the edge of Colchester. Following our Airbed Adventures in 2019, the girls suggested maybe we ought to relax the thriftiness a bit, and pay for a proper bed to sleep in. I chose a hotel which not only had decent looking bedrooms, but also a swimming pool and sauna on site - which I thought would be excellent relaxation for us both. "I may not leave the site" I said beforehand, "I will just swim, sauna, sleep, eat and lie on my bed with a book all weekend" 
Unfortunately this was not to be. The pool was out of order, and had been for more than a week. I suggested to the receptionist that had we been informed of this, we would have cancelled and gone elsewhere as the pool was the main reason we chose them. She said that a lot of the families who were booked in for half term had said the same thing!
Meanwhile Bob was trying to establish where the blue badge parking spaces were. There were three - this is the one with the clearest marking. The others just had vague yellow splashes. Despite the website saying "There is a hotel carpark" it did not make it clear that there was a daily charge for this. The two receptionists decided to waive the parking fees because of our disappointment re the pool.
But we decided not to let these things get us down. We settled in on Friday night and found the bed very comfortable, and the shower was lovely.  Saturday morning we set off to explore the Colchester, using our bus passes to get us right into the centre without worrying about parking.
Lots of history - the Romans came in 20BC, and Camulodonum is the oldest recorded town in the UK. Despite some people's hopeful theories, there is no evidence that Camulodonum has anything to do with Camelot, or that Colchester gets its name from Old King Cole. But Queen Elizabeth did grant the place city status as part of the Platinum Jubilee Honours, signing the letters patent on 5th September 2022, just days before her death - and King Charles III visited on 7th March 2023.
Colchester has a long and intriguing history. The High Street is full of some splendid architecture, and behind it is the Castle Museum. And an intriguing statue of two sisters, Anne and Jane Taylor, who wrote a lullaby in 1806 which is known and loved the world over - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 
We strolled slowly in the sunshine, visiting bookshops and charity shops, and a delightful coffee shop opposite the Castle. In the afternoon we relaxed at the hotel - briefly using the gym, then having a sauna. In the evening we went out to a Carvery.
On Sunday, after another delightful breakfast, we checked out* and drove up to Constable Country. I have always wanted to go to Flatford Mill, and was not disappointed.
It is managed by the National Trust - and we sat by the water chatting to a pair of kayakkers [is that a word?] The young woman offered to take our photo. Then we went to look round the Bridge Cottage museum. I loved the little family on the mantelpiece, and wondered how the mice are doing in Dereham Museum

But the ceilings in the back room were awfully low - Bob really had to bend over to walk through. I picked up a few gifts in the shop.
It was only 10.30, and the NT coffeeshop had been open since 10 - but the queue was already round the block! We returned to the car to continue our journey. Part Two tomorrow...
* I am sorry to report that as well as the pool and the parking, there were a number of other things we felt unhappy about. We mentioned them at the time. I am not naming the hotel here, but I have emailed my concerns to them.


  1. Colchester has always sounded like an interesting and maybe underrated place to visit. Flatford (or Platform as my autocorrect prefers) looks delightful.

  2. Platform [oops, my autocorrect does it too] Flatford was utterly charming, but ridiculously busy. I suppose that whenever the sun comes out, so do the many hikers, dog walkers, cyclists and motorists...It wasn't at all quiet

  3. I'm so sad on your behalf about the pool. I would have been gutted if it a me!!! FYI, there's a nice public spa (as in, I think it is council owned) behind Waterworld in Colchester for future reference. It has jacuzzi etc.
    Flatford is a joy but yes, Sooo busy! I have always wanted to swim in the river. Have seen several people do it!
    We stayed at a nice Ayr BnB in Flatford Mill. It was someone's home but we had our own wing.
    I hope the hotel take on your concerns.

    1. I will let you know if they respond! Steoh suggested that as they are part of a chain I should copy the Head Office in to my email, and she found me the right address .

  4. Glad you enjoyed the break despite the hotel not being as expected. Catriona


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