Thursday, 6 March 2025

Flippin' Brilliant!

Bob got to church early and set up for the Pancake Party. He had a stool in the kitchen so he could sit down 

when he needed to. Dan brought along two more gas rings, the pancakes were being fried and flipped with great speed 

We had a variety of toppings, fruit sauces, nutella,  lemon and sugar - also tea, coffee, squash and biscuits.
There were activity sheets on the tables, and the families got involved in word searches and pancake puzzles.
After an hour, Bob announced he was running out of batter, so Jacob dashed up to the shop and got more ingredients. Over the 2½ hours, the two
cooks reckoned they produced well in excess of 100 pancakes - last year it was around 70
Richard, the new vicar at the local Parish Church dropped in too with his children [which was lovely because his vicarage is in another village]
All in all a lovely community event, with more than £50 raised for Hope Now, a charity helping people in Ukraine for over 30 years.
Did you have pancakes on Tuesday?
What's your favourite topping?
[I am aware that today is World Book Day - that will get mentioned later!]


  1. Well done, the pancake team. As well as all the toppings you listed, we like maple syrup, golden syrup and blueberries. Nicky K

    1. Thank you for your earlier concern about Bob's backpain, with so much standing. That prompted us to take the bar stool with us, and it proved very helpful

  2. What a good idea to have the stool. Back pain is very hard. Super pancakes, our house group had a mixture of syrups, jam, cream...... My favourite is always Maple syrup!

    1. Cream? Proper Rodda's clotted, as you're Iin Cornwall

  3. Well done to Bob! Very glad to hear the stool helped! I didn't have pancakes as I was at a rehearsal. May have them at the weekend instead. X

  4. Oh my gosh over a 100 made??and £50 raised, Well done your Bob and Dan, my lovely husband made ours, diet out the window, I love mine with lemon and sugar, lush!

    1. The day before Lent should be diet free imho

  5. Well done to the pancake champion again this year. It’s great that your church provides this service and all are welcome. Hope you and Bob managed to have a pancake. My favourite topping is lemon juice and a very little amount of sugar. Catriona

    1. I think lemon&sugar is my favourite on crepes. Thick American style pancakes need maple syrup.


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