Friday, 7 March 2025

World Day Of Prayer 2025

 It is the first Friday in March and therefore the World Day of Prayer. 

This year's theme is "I made you wonderful" and the service has been prepared by the women of the beautiful Cook Islands. You can find more information here.


  1. My home church is hosting the evening service in our area, and my zoom church is using the wdop material in our Sunday service. It's a real, tangible reminder of our World Faith community.

  2. I’ve just spent 20 minutes in quiet contemplation as a prayerful and peaceful start to WorldDay of Prayer. Catriona

  3. Thank you for sharing this. Such a beautiful prayer.

  4. Thank you for sharing the prayer. I enjoyed seeing all the different colored plumeria flowers in the video; reminded me a lot of the country of my birth.

    1. How lovely that they brought back special memories for you, Bless

  5. This was simply beautiful. JanF

  6. This year the World Day of Prayer was held at the Assemblies of God church in the afternoon. It was very educational as well as inspirational and it was good to see people I have known for years from other churches. The music group was very impressive and towards the end, led us in a rousing performance of "Great is Thy Faithfulness". There was a great feeling of unity.

    1. That sounds wonderful. In the UK, we always conclude with the hymn "The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended"


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