Wednesday 14 August 2024

Normal Service

I am struggling to function normally in this heat, and rather grateful I can take my time about things and not have to worry about guests. I have loved having family and friends around over the past three weeks, but provision of clean sheets and towels and food has been a higher priority than usual. At least the good weather has meant the extra laundry dries quickly!
Last week Rosie muttered [and rightly imho] that when you walk into Sainsbury's the first thing you see is a display headed "Back to School". "But Grandma, it is four weeks till the new term..."
In these lazy, hazy days of summer I have been busy with Services. Not just all the Sunday Services Bob and i have been involved in at various chapels, but also the service on my car [my little Fabia flashes up a message on the screen alerting me that it is due] and the annual service on our boiler. Necessary expenses, and important to get both sorted before the autumn sets in. Thank you Gavin, our efficient boilerman
Normal -now that's anothe rmatter entirely. I mentioned last week that we had saved money at the Museum using Guest Passes for Ro and Julian. This is a new scheme - and the lady at the desk did not know how to put these through her till. She asked a colleague who promptly responded 
"Oh just treat them as if they were a normal family"
The four of us just stood there laughing. She had obviously realised we were anything but a normal family. As we went round, peeping through the holes for photographs, and trying on the dressing up clothes, and generally entering into all the activities with enthusiasm, I'm not sure if we looked 'normal' or not. 

And do normal people go out into their back garden at midnight and sit in deckchairs for an hour, staring up at the night sky, looking for the meteors? The first evening we did it, the sky clouded over immediately, but on Sunday night we saw a fair few "shooting stars" as they are often incorrectly called. 
They were truly beautiful.
I went into town on Monday morning, with a bizarre list of tasks
  • return some library books
  • take 'soft plastic bags' to the Co-op
  • check out the dinosaur trail
I did those things, then I came home with some red felt from the Charity Shop [because I am doing Christmas Craft Activities with the Brownies next term - is it normal to buy Xmas supplies on the hottest day of the year] 
and information for Bob and the Mens Shed about the offer of some free wood.
I think I know how Macbeth must have felt...


  1. Why do the supermarkets bombard everyone ( including the young ones wanting to just enjoy their long summer break ) with 'Back to School from the end of July onwards '? I see the Quality Street and Roses tubs are stacked up in Tesco already too! I admire your busyness , I had a very lazy day, it poured with rain here 😏
    Alison in Wales x

  2. Once term actually starts, they will probably start turning the supermarkets black πŸ–€and orange πŸŽƒfor Halloween! πŸ§™

  3. I’m with Rosie (what a delightful granddaughter you have) on disliking the rushing of the seasons. My response is to avoid supermarkets at all costs and please don’t get me started on the single-use plastic tat-fest that is Halloween. I was watching the half moon last night and the colours of the sky around it from my vantage point of lying on the sofa in the gloaming and listening to the Proms. At one point the sky was rose pink which I think might have been the Aurora borealis. I have a poster of the night sky constellations and went outside to try to find the W of Cassiopeia on Monday night but to no avail - too much cloud I’m afraid. The best night skies are always when I return home from a night out and look up to see a million tiny stars. We live on the edge of a dark skies village and there is no artificial light between us and Bignor hill to the south. Bignor Hill is owned by the National Trust and is supposed to be one of the best places to view the night sky but when we went up there I was amazed at how much light was coming from the coastal plain that borders the south coast. So much new housing and major roads that never sleep. Sarah in Sussex

    1. As I remarked to Bob, in Genesis Abraham is promised a any descendants as starsin the sky. And back then, Abe would have not had problems with light pollution... He could truly look up and see myriads of stars ✨🌟✨⭐

  4. Someone asked my daughter and I if we were sisters. Another person assumed my grandson was my son and when I was in hospital post op another patient asked me if my partner was my son! But really, I think we are normal, it's the others! I bought a winters dress in a CS on a scorching hot day. I like to plan for future weather.

    1. We were once out with another couple from church and some one asked if I was married to the younger guy . No, I said, I married him (pointing to Bob) Bob pointed to the other woman and said "and I married her" (because he conducted their wedding) and she pointed to the guy and said “but I married him" and Bob added "I married him too"... The poor girl was baffled

    2. That's really funny. I hope Bob explained so she didn't think you were making fun of her! JanF

    3. It took a bit of explaining!

  5. We sat in the garden shooting star spotting, saw several. We often get good views here as not much light pollution. Sounds like you have been busy we have visitors next week I am glad it is going to be cooler as I have meal planned and cooking is on the agenda, all last week we have lived on salads not sure if our guests are that fond of lettuce! Sheets and towels do somewhat take over when guests stay. I agree with Rosie way to too soon to mention back to school. Regards Sue H

    1. I am hunting out alternative ways to serve lettuce. HughFW says shred them into stir fries. Abel&Cole the VegBox people , suggest chopping them into tortillas or using them as dolmada-type wraps in place of vine leaves. I dont realy enjoy "Chilled summer soups". Our guest on friday will be getting a pick and mix salad type lunch with cold meats! [and freshly cooked home-grown new potatoes]

  6. I can understand the supermarkets having 'Back to School' things out already, as our great nephew was back to school this morning. His Mum had to kit him out in preparation two weeks ago. They live in Scotland. πŸ™‚

    1. I appreciate the Scottish school shave gone back already - but that doesn't explain Sainsbury's display in Norwich in July!

  7. Our local children went back to school today on the hottest day of the year here! We’re not doing very well with the heat and I seem to be doing things at a snail’s pace. I was also looking for some Christmas craft stuff today but it was so hot in The Range that I had to come outside! Enrolling for u3a tomorrow afternoon so let’s hope we get lots of people turning up. The cost of the halls has gone up again so the fee has gone up with lots of complaints. We struggled to have a quotation committee so I have been Co opted for a year to fill the gap. Catriona

    1. I feel sorry for pupils and teachers. Well done for stepping up for the U3A committee. I think this is the first time in half a century that I have not been on any sort of committee!!

  8. I commiserate with Rosie. I'm over 80 and I still remember how it used to bug me to see the early "Back to School" advertising, even in my young days! I loved the photo of Rosie with her hair up, (my post wouldn't go through yesterday).

  9. Schools have started here, in our school district, already. We even had a 4.4 earthquake on the first day of school. :) I'm sorry you are having to cope with the heat. Hopefully, you'll have cooler weather, soon.

    1. A little cooler here. But no earthquakes : hope you are ok

  10. School's went back here yesterday and I Cantrell you how proud I was of the fabulous Year 5 High School granddaughter looking amazing in her new school blazer (ably purchased by you know who and I'm not going to tell you how much?). The littler one looked lovely too, obvs. The littlest one has been at nursery for two days when his teacher mummy went back on Monday(inset days Monday\Tuesday) and landed up sick yesterday!! I thought oh no, here we go! Dodging all sorts of germy stuff again!Back to normal right enough! Also been entertaining Kiwi folk this past week. I know what you mean about the 'extras'!


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