Tuesday 27 August 2024

The Boot's On The Other Foot

Thank you, everybody, for all the thoughtful and generous words about our family and the anniversary celebrations. Monday was another wonderful day - spent at the beach [Sea Palling] We swam, and paddled and made sandcastles and found interesting stones, and more. At 4pm we all packed up to return to the beach car park. 
Unfortunately Bob [for whom walking is difficult at the moment] slipped on the bottom step, and fell badly. The grandchildren were whisked off to be strapped into their car seats, Gary fetched our car as close as possible, and a family from Norwich helped Bob into the passenger seat.
I drove to A&E 40 minutes away, where Bob was seen very promptly. Both feet X-rayed. Dr suspects bones chipped on one or maybe both ankles We were home by 7.30. He has an appointment at the Fracture Clinic on Friday
The Dr did not want to put a boot on both feet. We are being as positive as we can
  • It was the end of our day out
  • It was at the bottom step, not the top
  • No legs broken
  • No teeth smashed
  • A&E very quick and so helpful
George is fascinated by the boot. Jess is jealous because she has been to children's A&E and thinks Grandad must have had fun playing with their splendid toys! I'm just grateful for prompt treatment and a safe journey home. 
The next few weeks will be complicated. Please pray for an easing of Bob's pain, patience and wisdom for both of us. We thank God for our loving family - and the kindness and help of total strangers in the car park, and NHS staff in Norwich. 
Life is certainly full of ups and downs! 


  1. So sorry about this Angela please give best wishes to Bob . πŸ™ Thoughts and prayers x
    Alison in Wales x

  2. What an awful end to your anniversary weekend. Hope the visit to the fracture clinic goes well and Bob gets sorted, repaired and heals very quickly.

  3. Oh what rotten luck! Good job it was at the end of the day and A & E were prompt. Hope the pain eases and Friday goes well.

  4. Life is certainly full of ups and downs. Poor Bob, but I love your ability to always look for the positives. Onwards and upwards. Walking is difficult for my husband too, he has Parkinson’s disease of the slow and stiff (bradykinesia) variety and had a terrible fall in March requiring stitches to his forehead. The kindness and care of the A&E doctors and nurses was exemplary. We are so lucky, I fear for our children’s old age. Keep fit and strong Angela. Do you take Vitamin D? S my husband now has it on prescription and I buy it for me. I’m not a Vitamin or supplement person believing if you have a good diet that is sufficient but there is good evidence that Vitamin D does help our musculoskeletal system. Sarah in Sussex

    1. My GP in Dorset put me on Vitamin D and I noticed the benefits very quickly. Bob not on it (yet) So sorry to hear of your husband's fall

  5. Oh, no! So sorry to read about this latest wrinkle. But, as you said, many things to be thankful for, the biggest being it was not as bad as it could have been. I hope Bob's feet will heal quickly and all will be well. Please take it easy for the next several days, if not weeks.

  6. So sorry for Bob and thinking of you too. You are both in my prayers, God bless from Sue H.

  7. I’ve had one of those “Beckham boots” before. My top tip is to put it in a pillowcase at bedtime - this means only the pillowcase gets dirty from anything on the sole of the boot rather than all the bed linen.

    Another reason for thankfulness - you live in a bungalow!

    1. Great tip there. And hallelujah for bungalows!

    2. I ‘m allowed to take my boot off at night but it’s a bit of a performance putting it back on again every time I need to walk to the loo so covering it in a pillow case is a great idea .

      Heartfelt sympathy to Bob.

      Ann J

  8. What an awful thing to happen but good that he was seen quickly-hope he is not in too much pain. Catriona

  9. Oh no, what a way to finish your celebrations. Thanking God for the help Bob received and praying for easing of pain and patience. Time for you to both rest up and to enjoy the memories you have made.

  10. Poor Bob. I hope he is not too uncomfortable and that things will improve soon. Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers and the NHS!

  11. I have had recent experience of a bad fall, and am so sorry to hear about Bob's accident. So thankful , as I was, that it wasnt much worse. One does need one's feet! People can be so kind and helpful,

    1. I hope you are making good recovery too ❤️πŸ™

  12. So sorry to hear about Bob's fall. Hopefully he will heal quickly under the expert care of the NHS and your nursing skills at home. On a happier note he will be able to reflect on the lovely weekend of celebrations you have had with your family. You will both be in our prayers.

    1. My nursing skills are not brilliant, but the family are still around to help

  13. Oh poor Bob. What a horrid thing to happen after a lovely family day. Glad to hear that you had help and that A and E was good. I do wish him well and a speedy recovery.

  14. Oh dear! Hope it’s not too bad and heals quickly. Take care of yourself x

  15. Oh dear, poor Bob, to have this happen on top of the back problems he has. Prayers that he will be able to hand over his commitments to give his foot/feet time to heal, and he'll be able to rest. And prayers for you too, Ang....Kx

    1. I suspect there will be more afternoons when I shall keep him company, and I can sit and stitch...

  16. I love your positivity about poor Bob's fall, I hope and pray that his pain eases and his recovery goes well. The boot might be swapping from foot to foot.

    1. They won't put two boots on you, as apparently that's nigh on impossible to manage. We wait for Fridays appointment to find out more about The Other Foot 🦢🦢🦢

    2. Alan needs surgery on both his hands and it's due to start with his right hand next month. He asked the consultant if he would do both at once to save time, the consultants face was a picture, he said 'do you realise that you would be living life as though you had two oven mitts on for a few weeks, you wouldn't be able to hold anything'. As I said they are doing JUST his right hand next month. :-)

    3. Oh poor Alan, having just one hand functional will be so dlfficult

  17. Oops. That looks like he has 3 feet!!

  18. Oh dear poor Bob. After such a wonderful few days with the family. I hope the pain is bearable and he can be sorted out on Friday. Thinking of you too. Sue T in Wales

    1. Thank you Sue. At least he has good pain meds because of the back issues.

  19. What a rotten end to your celebrations. I am so glad he was taken care of so quickly and hope for him to heal quickly. JanF

    1. At least it was after all the planned adventures, so didn't prevent them

  20. Oh so sorry about Bob's fall. Rotten luck but putting a positive spin on it all is good! I hope he heals quickly.

    1. He's resting a lot. An unusual activity for him

  21. Poor Bob, do hope his feet heal quickly. I bet you were grateful you had family with you and you didn't have to manage on your own, and as you say thankfully you live in a bungalow. Hugs Xx

    1. Family have been fab. and living on one level is a bonus

  22. Just a thought if it comes to it--since Bob needs the boot (likely on both feet), but can only wear one, it might be helpful to use a knee roller for the other leg to reduce the strain. He can rest his non-booted leg by kneeling on the padded knee roller and used the handlebars for balance--not to mention brakes--to get around when necessary. Likely someone you know might have one. Would be happy to share mine if I didn't live on the other side of the Pond. :( I've had lots of experience with boots, braces and knee rollers (e.g. ankle surgery, ACL surgery within the last few years) so I understand both his pain and frustration. And how unsettling it is for you. The hopeful news is that I healed well from both surgeries and I've got quite a few years on Bob, so wishing the same for him. Best of luck to both of you and quick healing for Bob.

    1. Thank you Mary, an interesting suggestion

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about Bob's fall and resulting injuries. I know from experience how frustrating it is to suddenly find oneself in pain and out of action. I will certainly keep you both in my prayers. How cute that Jess was envious of the trip to A&E where she thinks the toys are!!

  24. Thought I'd left a comment yesterday??!!A knitting needle will come in handy for any itches!I'm amazed at how quickly I fell from top to bottom of stairs last year, ending up with three breaks in one ankle. Can't tell you the pain I experienced when I tried to get up to reach my phone but the oddest thing was, having to take a video of my ankle for the first responder to see to make sure it was broken! I think the 90degree angle of my foot was a giveaway!Also, one of those grabber things will come in handy for picking stuff up or reaching over for something.

    1. We've got a grabber out in the workshop. I should bring it inside

  25. Replies
    1. He is a better patient than I am a nurse (if you get what I mean)

  26. Much love! I knew the situation, via WhatsApp but now I know how it happened!xx


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