Sunday 4 August 2024


I wonder what the artist meant by this, my August calendar picture? There are so many sorts of "waiting" seasons
  • those of joyful anticipation - a wedding, a new baby, Christmas, a new home, loved ones coming home 
  • those fraught with anxiety - trying to sell/buy a house, the arrival of all important exam results, the start of a new job, the doctor announcing his diagnosis after the biopsies and tests
  • those which will inevitably bring sorrows - moving away from a home/job/church where we have felt secure and happy, watching a loved one facing a terminal illness
  • those which bring frustrations and necessitate changes in lifestyle - delayed payments, someone else's indecisiveness which seriously affects another person, protracted court cases, the pain endured because of the delays caused by long NHS waiting lists.
Maybe you are in one of these "waiting seasons". We are, right now. The British may be renowned for their prowess at queueing, and standing in line to wait for something [Harrods Sale, Wimbledon Tickets, or to see the Queen's coffin] but waiting is difficult, and a test of our patience. 
I suppose the calendar picture is really saying "accept there will be no instant resolution to your situation - but don't put your life on hold while you wait" Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says "for everything there is a season..." 
My Dad was fond of saying to me "Possess your soul in patience, Ang". I'm trying, Dad - but right now it's very difficult! 


  1. Yes my dear old mum used to tell me to " possess your soul in patience " too.
    Alison in Wales x

  2. " Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says "for everything there is a season"
    That brings back memories of the 1960s Byrds hit Turn, Turn, Turn, with lyrics largely taken from Ecclesiastes.

    1. I remember that song Too!

    2. I used that in Singing Assembly as it's in one of those classic Singing Assembly books! Kx

    3. πŸŽΆπŸ‘πŸ˜Š

  3. Patience is a virtue, a virtue is a grace, and Grace was a little girl... I recite this when I'm getting Very impatient and therefore cross about something or someone. If I learned nothing else from being parent of toddlers and teacher of children it was that so much depended on being patient and so much could be lost by impatience!

    1. I've not heard that proverb before! And yes, mums of small children need infinite patience.

    2. I note that subsequent comments refer to her dirty face!

    3. πŸ˜… I purposely left that bit out....!

    4. 🀣🀣🀣

  4. What comes to mind is, "be still and know that I am God".

  5. My grandma used to say that same thing. I still say it to my grandchildren who love the fact that 'Grace was a little girl with a dirty face'!

  6. Grace was a little girl who wouldn't wash her face!

    We were also told patience was a virtue - but no one explained the meaning of 'Virtue' so the saying was rather lost to us until much later.
    Hope your waiting is soon resolved.

  7. Hope your waiting is over soon with a good outcome. Meanwhile, I hope you can find moments of peace.

  8. Thinking of you daily. JanF

  9. Thinking of you especially now, and trying not to put a negative slant on the possibilities. Thank you sharing your situation. Nicky K

  10. "They also serve who stand and wait" - John Milton. I have always liked that quote. Whatever it is that you are waiting for, I hope everything works out well.


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