Sunday 22 September 2024

Back - And Forwards...

Thank you everyone for your concern regarding Bob's back problems. Having expected to wait till November 2025, before he would even see an orthopaedic surgeon, he was able to get a cancellation and we went off to the hospital yesterday morning for a consultation.
It proved to be a very helpful session. It seems that surgery is not a good idea in his case. Outcome - 50% chance of improvement, or 50% chance of the op actually making the situation worse.
The consultant explained everything very clearly. Better pain management is the next step, and Bob's been referred to that department. Some exercise has also been recommended - specifically Pilates and Swimming. [Bob has been quite nervous about exercise since the diagnosis in May, in case he did things which might exacerbate the condition]
So we are both feeling a lot more positive about things. Once again grateful for the NHS free at the point of need - and so pleased this appointment came through much quicker than we'd thought. 
It is so much easier to cope with health issues when you have a fuller understanding of them isn't it?



  1. Sounds much more positive, and at last you have a way forward. So pleased for both of you.

  2. I'm glad the diagnosis has been made and that you can work out the details now. I guess there isn't room for a pool in the garden at Cornerstones? 🏊‍♂️πŸ˜€

    1. A pool is a lovely idea - but would require demolishing the workshop and garage and surrendering all my garden. And would cost ££££. We're investigating local 🏊🏊🏊 facilities

  3. That’s good positive news and I am a great supporter of Pilates as it certainly helps my back. The secret is to find a Pilates instructor who knows his/her stuff. My 6ft tall SIL does 30mins Pilates every morning as he can’t golf otherwise due to the wear and tear on his back from golfing almost every day. Hope the pain management can be sorted quickly and Bob gets his confidence back about what he can do safely. We have an automatic car which helps me greatly as I couldn’t drive when my back was at its worst. Catriona

    1. Thanks C.our daughter does Pilates and also cautioned us to find a good instructor. And yes, having automatic cars makes driving much easier.


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