Wednesday 4 September 2024

Crib Sheet

I have been doing a lot of sitting and stitching whilst Bob has been resting his leg. A good excuse to get out my friend's Nativity Set and refurbish it for her. 
When she acquired it, there were a number of things which needed fixing. She had kindly given me some felt to use

  1. The ox and the wee donkey had very weak, splayed legs
  2. Wise Man #3 was distinctly lacking in both a gift and a blingy crown
  3. There was NO Mary, Joseph or Baby Jesus
So first up I strengthened the legs of the animals by couching lengths of green garden wire on the inside - here's a strong ox with a weak ass!
Then I rolled up some blue felt, put a shirt button and two beads on top to make a girt, and added sequins to the crown.
I looked at the figures in detail - each had a cylindrical cotton body, with a pink felt head attached. So I prepared Mary and Joseph and a tiny 'sausage' for Jesus'
Bob offered to make a simple manger from two interlocking rectangles of wood.
A coffee stirrer provided a staff for Joseph. My friend was delighted when I took the completed set to church with me on Sunday. All set for December!!


  1. It's adorable , you've done a great job there, Bob's crib looks good too.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I could have made the crib ifrom cardboard, but this is much more durable

  2. There's been some clever thinking and nifty sewing here to finish this little project!

  3. Such a good job! Well done Ang! Kx

  4. What an excellent update to the nativity set. It’s so satisfying to do a creative job like this especially when the owner is delighted. Catriona

  5. Replies
    1. It was pretty hopeless without Jesus presence. (Now there's a good sermon illustration!)

  6. Gosh a great job. NO Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus! Heavens but now all made and looking wonderful! I have a lovely crib set made by an artist friend all out of glazed pottery. The Baby Jesus has a little halo that looks like a ring doughnut and when our sons were little they used to say where is baby doughnut and still say each year where is the doughnut 🍩 set it's not Christmas without the doughnut! Regards Sue H

  7. You did a great job, updating the nativity set with the most important missing Holy Family!

  8. I've always wanted to knit a Nativity scene your sewing is perfect

    1. I have a half knitted nativity set which is part of my PhD work (projects halfdoneľ

  9. It all came out so, so well but my absolute favourite is Joseph! JanF

    1. Whatever I do,his head keeps leaning quizzically to one side

    2. Maybe that's why I find him particularly appealing! He had a lot to contemplate!

  10. Fantastic job Ang and Bob. No wonder your friend was pleased with the result. The nativity scene is now complete.

  11. Fancy no Mary, Joseph or Jesus, its like putting on a big show without the stars. I've been pulling out furniture to hoover and dust behind, hoping its less to clean when we do move (no date yet). Also tidying the garden up and mowed the lawns. Hope Bob's leg is healing well. Hugs Xx

    1. I do hope you get a moving date soon. Bob is currently resting his feet with an icepack on his ankle!

  12. That is now a wonderful Nativity set. Well done!

  13. 'strong ox, weak ass'! Ang you're a hoot! My local craft group could do with 'couching' their latest post box topper. It's supposed to be a lighthouse but unfortunately, has collapsed rather too much to the left and I won't tell you the comments it's garnering on their FB page!

  14. This is a lovely set! Of course your friend was thrilled! I inherited an older (1950s) native set from my mother, from Italy and papier machet. The donkey is missing its ears, and it's short one wise man. I doubt I could make either. I am not particularly crafty.

  15. The nativity makeover looks lovely and perfect for your friend to display in December 2024.
    Having been away from blogging for a whole month it was good to sit down and read through all your posts for August.
    I hope Bob is feeling better on his feet now and that the rest of September is less painful for him.

    1. Thank you B. We are grateful to be retired, and so can make the time for rest and recuperation. I hope all is well with you and your family as the Autumn term begins


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