Monday 20 September 2010

The Village Fun Day

The Village Fun Day went off really well on Sunday – although the skies were quite overcast and I think that kept some punters away.


Lots of different stands this year – the Army Cadets Climbing Tower was popular.


Sue had worked incredibly hard beforehand preparing stuff for the Churches Together Gazebo


As well as the display of information and the FairTrade goods



She supervised Children’s crafts


And Janet [plus Hayley and I] did face-painting


Lots of different stalls with tombolas, bottle stalls, plate smashing, lucky dips, raffles, two ‘inflatables’, a goal scoring competition, and Usborne Books, where Gemma had lots of piratical  stuff, as Sunday was “International Talk Like A Pirate” Day.

Entertainment included the 2B dancers, a band [sorry, I missed their name as I was busy painting a butterfly on a 6 year old] and an Air-Guitar competition. As ever, the PA system was brilliant [and yes, Bob did have all the proper PRS licences etc!]

Heuristic play for Under 5’s


Iggle Piggle and Upsy Daisy from the Night Garden


Punch and Judy


Ann and Ken [the Street Pastors]


And the food…oh the food!!

Clive and co running a tuck shop, Dave and Elaine with BBQ full of hotdogs and burgers, Navneet and family with amazing Indian snacks, and inside the Village Hall, the WI ladies had hot drinks – and Sarah from Cherry Tree Gifts was selling beautiful cupcakes


I did tease her about the morality of selling such calorie-laden goodies at the weekend, when she runs a Slimming Club during the week! [She said she just sells them, she doesn’t make anyone eat them!]

At the end of a really busy day, we had an worship service in the middle of the field – with ‘congregation’ and ‘musicians’ totalling around 45 people



Then it all had to be packed up. I never took any photos of Bob’s Sound Tent  - but all his PA equipment, plus 3 gazebos and the Churches Together stuff etc etc filled up about 6 cars. People were brilliantly helpful with putting things away – and then helping transport it back to our place.  Thank you, friends!

It all got stacked into our garage [and will take ages to sort!] and we went into the lounge and collapsed with cups of tea. We were both too tired to think about food – but Navneet had kindly come across  at the end of the event with a huge bag of delicious onion bhajis for us. So supper was bhajis followed by some apple pie.


There were some great comments during the day

“If Bob’s setting up for the Fun Day, who is preaching?”

“Me” [still in grubby jeans and baseball cap, with grass stained fingers] “But I am going to change first”

"Good!” [actually, I was very tempted to stay as I was, just to make the point that it is our heart not our appearance that matters, but decided that was probably not helpful!]


How much is the Face Painting?”

It’s free”


It is part of the church’s contribution to the Community Funday. Here, take this invitation and come to our church next Sunday and find out more…” [oh I do hope they come]

and – as we struggled to erect Dave’s 3-section large gazebo which has about 60 separate tubes and almost as many plastic connectors, I stood there clutching one of the uprights and said plaintively

“I think I am a foot short”

Bob was still chuckling about that remark twelve hours later!


  1. Fun times with family and friends - great memories for all!

  2. Looks like a fantastic day, wishing we lived closer my dear friend

  3. These events always take so much effort to organise and set up, but are so worth it!
    Onion bhajis, my favourite! I would have eaten them all day long!

  4. Oh my, well done! These men who set it all up, play guitars and take it all down again- though all I do is woman-handle two small boys. COuldn't do anything spiritua; in the midst. Oh well done, Almonds! I do hope you'll see some new faces in church. Faith is being sure of what..

  5. What a wonderful event. It looks like it was successful and everyone had a great time!

  6. Looks like a wonderful day. Loved the picture of Bob with his ax!

  7. Looks like another great day in KM. Hope you get some needed/earned rest now.

  8. Oh dear - "Ax" = "Guitar". I'm sorry people - she's had a very sheltered upbringing where rock music is concerned.


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