Sunday 2 April 2017

Pause In Lent #5 - It's All About Application

Steph brought me a gift from her Moroccan holiday in the Autumn. A lipstick. I thought it was somewhat unusual - and the green plastic case was quite intriguing.
Open it up, she told me - and I was even more perplexed when I saw the colour of the lipstick inside. Pea Green. Did she think I was Kermit??
OK, now put it on, Mum... so I did, and on application, my lips became a pleasant rosy pink colour. 
There's probably some scientific explanation for this - Steph says the lipstick goes to different shades of pink for different people. Apparently of all the colour changing brands, this one [Hare Magic from Morocco] is deemed to be the best, and reliably long lasting.

This amazing lipstick is no good if I leave it in the bedroom, it has to be applied.
Likewise my faith - reading my Bible at home and thinking how good it is just isn't enough. I need to apply what I learn from God to the way I live my life.
Furthermore, just like this green-goes-unexpectedly- to-rose, I realise as I get older, that the more I do put my faith into practice, I find God works in amazing ways which I could never have expected... "beyond all we can ask or think" as the book of Ephesians says.
And yes, God's love is the best, and lasts an absolute eternity!


  1. I'm always amazed, as well, that the minute you make some small effort, however weak and feeble, to be just that bit (more) God honouring, some small (or even large) blessing tumbles down *instantly* - it never fails. And yet i can still be stubborn.

  2. What a lovely segue into your Pause for Lent! very true. xxx

  3. I bet my girls would be fascinated with that lipstick. I'm going to try and find some online

    1. Moroccan Hare Magic online under £2. Superdrug and Boots sell a brand called BarryM in store for around a fiver.

  4. Good example of application! When we put our faith into practice, God can make something beautiful!


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