Tuesday 2 January 2018

Beach Babe!

Our final family day together in Norfolk - we drove up to Holkham Beach, and had enormous fun walking across the sand. Rosie loves puddle jumping, and naming all the animals she could see [bird, dog, horse] Her language is coming on in leaps and bounds,and 'More!' appears to be one of her words of the year too. She loves holding hands with parents [or grandparents] and playing 'One, Two, Three, Wheee!'
I said to Bob that more than 30 years ago, when we came up from London with Liz to visit my parents, I never dreamed that all this time later, we would be repeating the experience.
It has been a superb week, and we have done lots of things [including hemming curtains, mending the fridge door and the leaking garage roof] but the Futility Room remains unpainted! Maybe at our next visit after Easter...


  1. Good for you. Fun should always come first.

  2. What fun to be at the beach with Rosie! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit.

  3. She's growing fast! Glad you've had a good week!x

  4. Delightful pics. Thanks for sharing, Angela. (Futility Room! I've just cleared out my boxroom which could very well be known by the same name!).

  5. I've missed the futility room explanation, methinks! Sounds like any room here!


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