The beautiful arrangement which my friend gave me on Sunday morning remains spring-like, I love the way that the tulips have opened.

I dug out my trusty vintage Sponge [£1 in a CS] and minced the remaining meat from our Easter roast lamb. That made two good sized individual cottage pies. Leftover veg and gravy, plus a few reserved chunks of meat made a tasty soup.

In other news... We've had lots of rain, with at least two of the roads into the village badly flooded. Bob had to sweep out the garage and sort out some wood which was wet. We're investing in some sandbags in case of future deluges. Tuesday was lovely, we got to spend quality time with Rosie whilst Liz and Jon went for a bike ride, and Christine came over for a cuppa. Visits from my best granddaughter and my best friend! For over 30 years, I have kept Liz and Steph's Peter Rabbit and Bunnykins China safe. Why? Rosie recognised PR immediately, and sat sensibly at the table to eat her lunch and drink her milk. She was so careful with the cup, and it's about time these things were used. The car was serviced a fortnight ago and we suspect something was not tightened properly. We're currently without power steering or an alternator. But we knew that the car was on it's way out anyway. It went wrong about a mile away from Cornerstones and Bob was driving. I'm so grateful that it happened when it did. I'd never have managed to steer it back, and I hate to think what we would have done if it had gone on the Motorway on Sunday, or on Monday when we went to Suffolk to meet up for lunch with Gary's parents. It could have been so much worse. This has somewhat curtailed our holiday plans.
Your granddaughter is a cutie! I don't think our bunnykins has ever been used-just moved from my display cabinet to my daughters. Now all of our grands would think they were too old to use it!