South Norfolk Council had good stall, with a huge deckchair, where you could be photographed for a donation to charity. She liked being up there with Grandad Bob.
The Norfolk Star Wars Group were all in costume, and again, for a small donation, you could be pictured with an Ewok or two.

More relevant to us was the provision of lots of free craft activities. These paper plates could be decorated, and then you could flip up the frog/star/unicorn etc, to make a sort of hat/tiara. Rosie enjoyed that.
Inside the community centre were teams serving cups of tea and coffee for 50p, also icecream sundaes and mega sized cookies. I liked the fact it was clearly a community event. Plenty of local groups and charities on display - and not too much stress on making money.
We had our teas, and Rosie munched on treats from the snack box her Mum had given us. The Under 5s play Area at the edge of the field was open and we did lots of climbing and sliding and cheering. At one point, my little cherub went over to a small boy who was standing by himself "Hello little boy, how are you today? Are you feeling happy?" she asked him, and patted his arm. His mother and I were totally gobsmacked by this unexpected chat up line! He smiled and the spun the wheel on the pirate ship together.
Off to The Range to buy weedkiller for the garden path...and a special treat because it was so hot.
These two both take their ices very seriously!
Rosie had Nursery Teddy with her all weekend. Jon instructed us to take plenty of pictures. I confess to being a little paranoid about these 'have the class toy for the weekend' experiences. As a teacher I understand the benefits in terms of language development, being responsible, etc etc - as the temporary guardian of the child and the bear I am terrified! What if we lose the thing? what if it falls into some terrible staining puddle? what if a passing dog savages it to pieces? [and yes, I have known Barnaby Bear and his extended family to suffer all these perils and more].
I have done Supply in schools, where a child has brought in the bear and announced "We flew Barnaby to Disneyland for the weekend" or "I took Mr Bear to Lapland to meet Santa". We did our best, but Costessey Fete isn't quite in the same league!
Rosie slept beautifully in her cot, and on Tuesday morning, we took her to Cornerstones.
Then, whilst Bob dealt with weeds, I indulged in teaching Rosie about sewing. We measured the bear, made a paper pattern, cut out the pieces, and sewed a little teeshirt, decorated with a pink star...

Next time Rosie comes, perhaps I should initiate her in the mysteries of using an overlocker, and wrestle with some Pythagorean Triples...
But she is so happy, and ever eager to be helpful.
On Tuesday evening, we left Norfolk and drove back down the A11. We diverted into Newmarket to get an evening meal. It had been sunny all day and we were both in shorts. By 6pm it was decidedly chilly. We both decided to change for dinner.

Our meal in the White Hart was well cooked, with good sized portions, and a reasonable price. We were home to Dorset by 10.30. Two lovely days - but exhausting!