Thursday, 31 October 2019

No Thank You

So it isn't Brexit Day after all. But it is Hallowe'en. I'm not a big fan.
According to one article I read, the plastics used in the costumes sold this October in the UK are the equivalent of 85 million plastic bags. That's a lot of waste going to landfill
And do we really need displays like this when we go to buy groceries? 
I was at the checkout at one shop and as I paid for my stuff, the assistant asked "Would you like to buy a raffle ticket for our Halloween Hamper?" I replied, in a polite tone, "No thank you. I don't do raffles and I don't do Halloween"
"Oh" she said, clearly surprised "I'd rather have Hallowe'en than Christmas"
"But Halloween is all death, doom and darkness - and Christmas is celebrating love, joy and peace" "Depends on your family, doesn't it?" she retorted, and started serving the next customer. I felt incredibly sad. 
A friend [who shares my feelings about the ghosts and ghouls costumes]  asked on Facebook what she should wear to a party - she's a Baptist minister and has been invited by some teenage friends to their event. The invitation specified Hallowe'en Fancy Dress. I said that as it is All Hallows Eve [ie the night before All Saints Day] she should dress as a Saint. I suggested St Francis would be an easy one. She's got herself a habit and I think will carry a small animal [the stuffed toy sort] I hope she has a good evening


  1. Some of those things for sale are really horrible.

  2. Lets just call it lets sell tat day , Americanism at its worst . There was a gap in the selling seasonal crap calendar from September till xmas , they couldnt sell us Thanksgiving so they went with Halloween

  3. Quite.
    I hate the stuff that is being sold for Halloween. Our church holds a Light party for children to keep them away from the trick/treat scene and to learn something a bit more meaningful.


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