Thursday, 3 October 2019

We Knead More!

People continued to bring goods for the harvest display right up until the service started in Sunday. This was taken at 10am - much more food came after that! You'll notice we have four harvest loaves at the base of the table.
These are the ones made by our young people with assistance from Pete The Baker, of Belinda's Bakery, Ringwood
Here is a close up. Pete himself came along to the service, and we applauded him.
Bob took the smallest loaf and it was broken up and distributed to the congregation.
In the challenging sermon, in which Bob spoke of our responsibilities to the world- both its peoples and its ecology. He quoted Greta Thurnberg, and said it was important to listen to her words, and not dismiss her as 'just an angry child'
He said how good it was that the children had made the bread, and that we the adults could be blessed by it. "Now- what are we going to do to bless others?"
This is the man himself. He came through to the hall for coffee, and said he'd like to buy the cauliflower which had been on display. The trouble was, I'd already bought that - so I swapped it for two aubergines - and gave him the cauli.
"Careful!" he said. "Don't touch the white part" Pete went on to explain to Ali and myself [she's the smiling person behind him in the picture] that if you touch the white part, it will bruise. 
"See those brown patches there? That's where somebody touched the white part yesterday - tomorrow, it will be brown where you touched it today"
Ali and I were both really surprised- neither of us knew about cauli-marks. Did you?
What a wonderful morning

  • blessed by the children
  • some great singing
  • a superb sermon
  • a challenge to help others
  • excellent coffee
  • and I learned how to look after my veggies
All so good- I wish more people came along to church on Sunday
[and in the afternoon, we went back to church for a party, but that's another story]


  1. Sounds like it was a good Harvest Service! The harvest loaves are a work of art!

  2. I learnt something too! It sounds an excellent service.

  3. Our Harvest/Thanksgiving service isn't until Oct. 13th but this Sunday the church school children will come back into the sanctuary at the start of Communion and they will all have different types of bread from all over the world to display. Those harvest loaves look amazing!


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