Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Eating A Christmas Pie #1

I'm continuing to sell things on Facebook Marketplace in dribs and drabs. After month [and four 'definite' buyers who backed out at the last minute] the old kitchen chairs went. The kitchen here is too small, and they were just cluttering up the bedrooms. When the fifth buyer got in touch, I said I'd drop the price by £5. She said she'd have to collect in two journeys, as the children would be in their car seats and the boot was very small. I offered to deliver - and she insisted on paying the original price. I was happy with £20.
Next up were my wineglasses. The last few times I've run my alco-free bar, there were glasses at the venues. So I advertised them. £10 for 54.Again, an immediate response, which came to nothing. Then a fortnight later another possible buyer. We arranged a date for collection. Then he had a genuine family crisis and couldn't come that day. "I do want them, I'll pay upfront..." I replied "no problem, family comes first, collect when you can, pay us then, and the box is labelled and waiting in our front porch."
Then we realised the buyer was the Pie Man. "My OH says you can pay in pies if you prefer"  Which is how I came to barter my glasses for some of Matt's delicious pies. He brought half a dozen assorted pies in a cool box. "These are worth more than a tenner" I said. But Matt said I'd been very obliging and I was to take them and tell my friends! 
So, dear friends, if you are near Bournemouth [I know some of you are, even if others are miles away] pop in a buy a pie or two. Details here
He wants the glasses because next year he's giving up the Pie Shop and opening a small seafood restaurant. I shall have to visit it and review it on the blog [I know at least one local reader who is pescatarian - maybe we can make up a foursome with our men? You know who you are!] Until then, go buy a pie while the shop is still open. Please mention the Wineglass Woman


  1. Oh that's good! Both situations worked out better because you were kind. And Pie Man must have also saved money by bartering instead! A mutually beneficial opportunity for you both! What flavour pies did you get?

    1. Turkey with trimmings, ham hock, beef, chicken, oxtail... And one with no label!

  2. Sounds like you made a good bargain with the pie man!

    1. It was a very satisfying transaction all round

  3. I like that way of selling, get paid in pies!


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