Sunday 28 February 2021

I Will Hold Your People In My Heart


Saturday was not our best day - we both had quite a reaction to the vaccine, at 10pm Friday night, feeling achey, and shivery. I had a bad headache and Bob was feverish. But we took Saturday slowly, and finished all the recording stuff for this morning's service from UCF. By teatime we were still tired, but generally feeling heaps better.

The link for morning worship is HERE 

I do love this hymn, written by the Catholic Hymnwriter Dan Schutt. I found these words on his website in a piece entitled "Finding Hope"

We live in difficult times. Every day it seems we hear news that eats away at our efforts to live in hope. I’m not talking about those immensely tragic things that break our hearts, but rather, the little things that one by one add up and become a dark grey cloud that obscures the light … Being hopeful is not just about nurturing a positive outlook on life. Rather, it has much to do about becoming aware of hand of God touching the world around us, especially in the little things, and trusting that God has a future prepared for us that is full of joy


  1. We are all stuck home quarantining after contracting covid so prerecorded our service. As a result I was able to enjoy listening to Bob's sermon today and especially, the story he told. Your philosophy of ministry reminds me so much of my husband and my own. "Look outside the doors of the church to reach a hurting world." Good encouragement for me today, Angela!

  2. Get well soon Terri (and family) so glad you could join us. May God continue to encourage and to bless you

  3. Sorry to hear that you both felt a strong reaction to the vaccine! Hope you continue to feel better, soon.

    1. Thank you Bless. We took things fairly gently on Sunday and by the evening we both felt quite a bit better, but still tired. A good night's sleep helped a lot.


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