Friday 5 February 2021

In Four Weeks' Time will be Friday March 5th - and that means it will be the [Women's] World Day of Prayer. WWDP dropped the first W some while back, to make things more inclusive. But for many people they still think of it as the women's day, to distinguish it from other World Day Of Prayer events, WDP is a women-led, global, ecumenical movement. I've been involved, in one way or another for my entire life [from the month before I was born, when my Mum went to her local service in Essex]

This year's service has been planned by the women of Vanuatu. The theme is Build on a Strong Foundation

These women will have been planning for 5 years or more- the committee in London started work on the English translation in November 2019. 

That was before anybody knew there would be a pandemic. In our local group, it was the turn of United Church Ferndown - my church- to host the event. And everyone said how nice that would be, considering it would be my last one here. So I was a bit sorry to realise we couldn't have friends from the other churches over for singing and praying and coffee and cake. [Cake is an essential part of such gatherings]

So I put the word out among my friends in Thrive - the support network for spouses of Baptists in ministry - and asked for volunteers to help produce a YouTube service. And they have responded brilliantly. Some are already used to making services online each Sunday, for others, it is a new experience [they usually let their OH do all the techie stuff] 

I've been sent lots of video clips of readers doing their bit [thanks, friends!].

The service is gradually coming together [thanks to Bob, who has excellent editing skills] and we are putting the word out that it will be online [through our regular UCF YouTube channel] from midnight GMT on the Thursday night - so anyone, anywhere, can join in. The readers come from all over England, and one from Wales - and I know already that there are some expats in Spain who plan to tune in.

I will put the link on here as soon as it is available - so if you are not able to join with friends 'live' on the day, do please link with us, as we celebrate together. 


  1. How nice to see that you are not letting the pandemic get in the way of praying together. :)

  2. What a coincidence - it's my church's year to host here in Toronto! Of course, we are going virtual but there is still a lot to organize and the women in charge will do a wonderful job - of that I am sure!

  3. Ah, this sounds a wonderful idea!


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