Sunday, 4 April 2021

Easter Morning Prayer


Lord it has been so hard

In the past year we have witnessed suffering and death on a scale few of us have ever known before. We have seen people growing greedy and rich, profiting from this pandemic - whilst others have lost homes, livelihoods, loved ones- and their hopes and dreams have been shattered

We have seen the worst of humanity, and the best

Lies, excuses, selfishness – but also inspiration, encouragement and sacrifice

Despair – and hope

We remember that week two thousand years ago – when the disciples went from hearing joyful hallelujahs, to bitter cries of “Crucify him”, seeing cheering crowds, then watching the one they loved suffering and dying – feeling that everything was being taken away from them, the sky went dark – and they lost all hope.

Lord it was so hard for them too

But then it was Easter Sunday – and everything changed

Your Son rose again – and they knew that they had hope for evermore.

They knew that death was conquered, that sins were forgiven, that Jesus had brought love, and joy and peace beyond all human understanding. In the power of your Spirit, they went back into their world, to start building your kingdom

This Easter morning, give us faith and courage to live in the light of that resurrection, and to go back into our struggling, suffering world, speaking with your words of life and love. forgiveness and hope. Teach us what it means to be Easter people –

Help us to love you as Mary did

Worship you as Thomas did

Serve you as Peter did

And may our hearts burn within us, like the Emmaus disciples, and give us their energy to run back to share the good news with our friends and neighbours – that Jesus is alive, and there is hope.

We pray in the name of our risen Saviour- Amen

Easter Celebration from UCF HERE


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