Tuesday 20 July 2021

A Cool Cup Of Water

Bob and I greatly enjoy strolling round the local Villages when they hold Yard Sales. Foulsham, where we are now members of the little chapel, had its sale on Saturday. The day promised to be a real scorcher. Bob went off on his own to check out the sales- and I stayed outside the chapel.

The parking area in front was in cool shade all morning. I took 4 garden chairs, an impromptu 'table' made from the work platform in our garage, a flipchart sign- and a bag of supplies. [as well as a couple of library books, and a sunhat]

I was busy all morning, as people strolled past, hot and tired - and were really grateful to be able to sit down and have a free drink of cool water.

It was such a simple thing to arrange - and yet clearly appreciated. I had some lovely conversations with people too.

Bob did remarkably well, finding a large IKEA Ribba frame in the same style as the others on our photo wall, ready to receive a load more pictures. 

Normally £20 or so, he paid just £3 - and it was still in its plastic wrapping! He also got three tools to refurbish for £3. 

Bob covered for me at the Water Station for part of the time. I zipped round fairly quickly - and  found a lovely white linen Boden shirt for £5. It will look good with my new white trainers and a pretty skirt!

I much prefer a Village Yard Sale to a Boot Fair, what about you?

Matthew 10;42 - "This is a large work I’ve called you into, but don’t be overwhelmed by it. It’s best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true disciple."


  1. Nice idea to give water, I think it would be lovely to start those beautiful old stone troughts with water pump that you used to see in villages and which are now mostly filled with flowers (which is nice too)

    1. I should have thought to take a dog bowl too! Next year...

  2. That's a very helpful service and literal to Matthew instruction.
    That was v fortunate 're the photo frame and a nice linen shirt is always useful. I haven't managed to keep to my But Only One thing a month pledge. Got a bit too excited in the chazzers on Saturday!

  3. That was a lovely thing to do - to set up a water station! Yes, a cool cup of water can be a real blessing.

  4. What a lovely way to give refreshment and meet people! So glad you found an excellent shirt bargain, too, and Bob obviously has a good eye for bargains.

  5. I love the way you are always looking for good things to do. You got great enjoyment in return.


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