Wednesday 28 July 2021

A Time Of Reflection

For twelve years, I have loathed the light fitting in the main bedroom here. It had a chrome triangular plate, three spotlights, and three spiral wires with little plastic prism things at the end. These wires collected dust faster than you can say "Good Housekeeping".

If we came for a weekend, I would whisk off the cobwebs with a feather duster on a Friday night- and when we came to leave a few days later, they'd be back again. "When we live there permanently, it's going!" I said 

And now it has gone. But in the strange way of things, a couple of nights before Bob removed it, I saw a strange pattern on the wall. My hand mirror was face up on the dressing table and reflecting an oval patch of light - but there was a bright white trefoil too. I moved the mirror round and the pattern changed.

I spend ages twisting and turning it - getting all sorts of patterns, and I finally realised it was something to do with the plastic cones deflecting the light.

The light show has finished now...but I am much happier with the simple glass dome which replaces the cobweb catcher [thank you Bob]


  1. I like your new light, a tad Art Deco-ish!
    We had Artexed ceilings when we moved into our bungalow too, the dining room was the first to go, followed by the hall, and the living room ceiling was plastered just last week. The main bedroom still has an Artex ceiling, but as that will be the last room we refurbish, it'll be there for a while yet!
    We have replaced the light though, with a very cool and funky stainless steel light/fan which looks a bit like a UFO!

    1. I think we'll put up with the artex. At least it is fresh and white. In one house previously owned by a family of chain smokers, we had treacly yellow stalactites on the lounge ceiling when we moved in!

  2. What a beautiful new light! I don't know how you put up with the other but with occasional visits I'm sure there wouldn't have been any time to look for let alone install a new one.

    1. We are both so pleased with it - as Col says, it's a bit Art Deco.

  3. I like the patterns but I'm glad you've got something you like better.
    In our house, we LOATHE the sinks and taps (& the uncomfortable square toilets!) as they are so stupid! The WATER splashes straight out the sink, the sinks don't have a proper edge and the tap is so high up that it misses. Unbelievably impractical and annoying. But it would be very wasteful to replace 3 sinks and toilets so soon after moving it. But we do hate them! Not quite as easy to change as a light fitting.

    1. I just do not understand square toilets!


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