Tuesday 28 June 2022

A Baker's Dozen


Thirteen library books! Isn't that rather a lot for one person to have on the shelf at once? [with my Norfolk Library Card I can actually borrow up to 15] How did I come to have so many stacked on the bedroom chest of drawers...
Well, first there was the visit of the Mobile Library to the village, and I was helping my neighbour with her walking frame, as she hasn't been since pre-Covid, and As she was taking her time, I borrowed a few. Then we were in Dereham, collecting my sewing machine from being serviced, and the best carpark is just behind the library. And while Bob was sorting out his books, I borrowed a few more. Then we were in another Norfolk town, and the library there was open, so I popped in, and came out with 3 more. And finally, one book in the pile is actually on Bob's ticket - he read it and thought I'd enjoy it! Top to bottom then...
  1. Trace Elements by Donna Leon a crime novel involving the words of a woman dying in an Venetian Hospice [yes, that is Bob's book]
  2. Not Dead Yet by Peter James - another case for Brighton-based detective Roy Grace [recent series on ITV]
  3. Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - from the Dummies series
  4. The Whole Vegetable by Sophie Gordon -"sustainable recipes for a happier planet"
  5. OTK Shelf Love-  Home cooking ideas from the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen
  6. Letter by Clare Youngs  I love Clare's craft books - she is so talented in many areas, and makes you believe that you can achieve these great results too
  7. The 30 minute Diabetic Cookbook  by Katie & Giancarlo Caldesi. A husband and wife team - I liked the idea of fast, healthy low carb recipes
  8. Le Pain Quotidien Cookbook by Alain Coumont & Jean-Pierre Gabriel. We discovered PQ on a family holiday to Brussels in 2000. Delicious food!
  9. Batch Cooking by Keda Black. Maybe not as necessary now we are not out at work every day, or bringing up a family. But meal planning is always a good idea.
  10. Stitching by Fiona Goble. I need some more inspiration for the Postcard Project
  11. My First Sewing Machine Book by Emma Hardy35 easy projects for children aged 7 years+. Just in case Rosie feels creative this summer!
  12. Quilts In Burano by Kaffe Fassett - his 22nd colourful craft book, set on an island in the Venetian Archipelago [no mention of death or crime, I hope!]
  13. Dressing The Queen, the Jubilee Wardrobe by Angela Kelly. Grabbed this on a whim, and then discovered it was written for the 2012 Jubilee! 
That is six cookery books, five craft books, and two crime novels. This should keep me going for a bit! Some will be flick-through-and-return-quickly, others [I hope] will include inspiration and ideas to note down, and two are stories to send me off to sleep!
Some reviews may follow!


  1. Venice again, as you commented on my blog post yesterday. I see your Donna Leon book and the Kaffe Fassett book and raise you Donna Leon's Taste of Venice which I am reading as a break between murders!

    1. You and Sue (below) are clearly way ahead of me with the Donna Leon books

  2. If you like the Donna Leon there are many more to read. I can't decide about Peter James - to read or to see on TV as they appear.
    We can have 20 books in Suffolk and the library van is round Thursday after missing a month so there are rather a lot for me to collect!

    1. I've read a few PJ books in the past - not in order - and I suspect that some plots have been "tweaked" for the TV production

  3. I have just read Angela Kelly's book, and will be interested to hear what you think.

  4. Now that is a GOOD Stack of books, and I like the mix of genres you've got. Lots to dip into to suit whatever mood you're in :-)

  5. Leaving a library with a stack of books is like carrying off treasure trove! I've read some of Donna Leon's books and enjoyed them.

    1. Am I the only one to have missed her books?

  6. I like the sound of the Queen one and I hope you review the Zero Waste for Dummies one.x

  7. That's a good selection of books! Looking forward to your reviews. :)

  8. I love Fiona Goble's knitting patterns, will hope Stitching gets across the pond.

    1. I had not heard of her till I picked up this book. Her website looks interesting

  9. That's a lovely selection of books.


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