Monday 27 June 2022

If You're Happy And You Know It...

... Clap Your Hands!
On Sunday it was my turn to work with the children at church. We talked about finding joy when things are difficult and made happy-clappy paper cup people.
After lunch Bob and I went down to the Village Hall to the Gardening Club Summer Tea Party. It was great fun. 
There was loads to do - a plant stall, lots of games and quizzes, and great cakes! We chatted to acquaintances and met loads of new people. Everyone seemed very friendly. The GC meets monthly and I have now become a member. Bob and I did two quiz sheets about flower names [one was anagrams, the other rebuses] 
Bob has just become a Parish Councillor,  and a surprising number of folk came up to speak to him about that. It's good to feel that we're getting to know more members of the community. 
Then the afternoon drew to a close - there was the usual Drawing of the Raffle, and the winners of the competitions. We were delighted our flower name sheets won these two little boxes of gardening bits
I shall use those plant clips and string to fix up the peas I'm planning to plant out this week. My current gardening gloves are rather threadbare, and jute string is always useful. What a super afternoon! 
After a rather intense few days of sewing related stuff, it was lovely to be out in the sunshine enjoying village life. 


  1. Ah, that sounds great! Hurrah to you for winning!! And Bob for his taking on that challenge!x

  2. I love village Garden Club events. We have a thriving Garden club here and the latest thing is a 'Safari' Garden show, where we visit a number of gardens in an afternoon. What a nice win you had!

    1. I like the idea of a Safari Show [manageable in a small village too]

  3. Sounds like it was a lovely day, Angela. Congratulations on winning the flower names competition; those gardening tools will come in very useful, I'm sure. :)

    1. I have planted out the peas and the clips work brilliantly to hold them gently to the support stakes

  4. Nice day! I know quite a few people in my life who could use a happy-clappy paper cup right now! lol

  5. That sounds like an amazing day. I love the clappy cup! And well done on the win! They look really useful.

  6. A perfect day! You have chosen such a nice place to live.

  7. I have happy memories of village life in England. Well done winning the flower names competition. That is two wins you have had recently. Maybe there will be a third!

  8. I wish you could all come and visit!

  9. How fun! You have good community hearts!


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