Tuesday 7 June 2022


Two more scarecrows which appeared in the village at the weekend. Mine were dismantled yesterday

Everything was very soggy! The big flags will be ironed and put back in the bag with the bunting. The clothes and stuffing [rolled up towels and pillowcases] are all drying out on the airer. The frames will go back into store until they come out again for the Nativity Tableau. And the heads? I am not altogether sure. I'll keep Charles in case I need him for a Coronation. I put so much work into stitching Greta that I don't want to consign her to the ragbag yet. Once thoroughly dried out, these heads may go up into the loft [in a bag, so they don't scare anybody

It was a lot of work - but it was definitely worth it

Thank you for our winning certificate, and for the prize [four adult tickets for this lovely place - so we can take Liz, Jon, Steph, Gaz and  the children sometime this summer]


  1. I am glad your hard work was rewarded. Congratulations.

  2. Congratulations on your win! You deserved it!

  3. Re heads: "I'll keep Charles in case I need him for a Coronation". Ever practical!

    1. Now I'm thinking of Charles 1 who lost his head!

  4. Wow, well done on winning and what a lovely prize, that will be a great day out.

    Regarding ... 'Once thoroughly dried out, these heads may go up into the loft [in a bag, so they don't scare anybody]' ... whatever you do don't forget to take them with you if you move or they might just do that!! (You can tell I've been watching a lot of crime series recently!!)

    1. Wise advice. I remember going with a colleague into the school kitchen one evening to prepare food for a parents event. She opened the door, and screamed - having seen two pale hands reaching up out of the sink. I switched on the light, to reveal a pair of rubber gloves propped up on dishmops to dry out!!! It took her a few moments to recover from the shock!!

  5. Nice to see that others appreciated your hard work. ~skye

  6. I came over to you from Sue's My Quite Life in Suffolk and have decided to add myself as a follower of yours, as I see you live in Swanton Morley. I had two tours at the RAF station there in the 1980's. I have enjoyed your blogs about the weekend events and am slowly making my way through some of your past posts.

    1. Hi Hilary - thanks for joining. I have been reading your blog - and particularly interested in the progress of your raised bed. I'm sure you know that the Swanton Morley RAF camp became an army barracks - and now its being slowly wound up. Within 7 years the Army will be gone, and they plan to build more houses on the site.

  7. Congratulations. I'm thrilled for you!

  8. Congratulations! You deserved to receive 1st place! Yes, do keep Charles' head! :)

  9. What a great prize, and well deserved. You put a lot of thought and effort into the scarecrows!


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