Sunday 4 December 2022

Advent 2

Along with many of our friends, Bob and have decided not to post Christmas cards this year [apart from a single greeting to friends in our churches in Leicestershire and Dorset, and three elderly relations who do not do have the internet] We are giving the money instead to the local Foodbank. It seems a much better use of resources. We have had a lovely year - two family weddings, a new great-niece and of course, the birth of Jacob, our fourth grandchild, in August.  So much to be thankful for.
This is the second Sunday of Advent, the theme is love
Thank you all for reading the blog, and for the many thoughtful and thought-provoking comments left throughout the year. Bob and I send our love and best wishes for a joyful Christmas, and a new year full of peace and hope, for you, and your nearest and dearest.
The Nativity tableau at Cornerstones is growing, year on year - new lights, and the little shepherd boy have been added - along with a quizzical sheep!


  1. The tableau is beautiful,and I think the boy looks lovely. The Christmas shepherds always appeal to me. They were hardly respected in the society of that day, yet on that lonely hillside they were the first to be visited by angels, and given the news of Jesus birth. So the outsider was to be included. My choice of Nativity cards always includes shepherds. I also look to see that the artist hasn’t painted a blond, blue eyed baby, or made poor Joseph look ancient or decrepit, poor man. Hope the sale went well yesterday. Isabel

    1. Yes Isabel, I too avoid cards with blonde Marys and OAP Joseph's! And I love that the first to hear of the baby were the least and lowest in society - and later the rich, educated magi came. Listening to the news this morning I thought again of that little family escaping to Egypt. My Best Friend was a refugee once.

  2. I'm sure the donation to the foodbank will be much appreciated.
    Your Nativity display is looking good! I really like that sheep!

    1. She adds a quirky cheerfulness to the scene

  3. The tableau looks lovely, and yes that little sheep is very quizzical looking isn't he. Perhaps he is perturbed at the baby being in his manger.

    1. The label says "Shelley Sheep" so I think she's female!!

  4. It has taken shape beautifully Angela! There is a story to each of your characters!
    We are also donating to various causes instead of sending cards. I could use an extra prayer this week, please. JanF

    1. The 'causes, not cards' idea is really taking off this year. Hope your week goes ok , Jan 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

  5. I think the Food bank alternative is a lovely idea. The church I go to now does a collective card. You pay £5 and then you write a message which gets included on one card with everyone else 's (wasn't sure if digital or real) so everyone is on one card and the money is donated to a cause instead! Kezzie xx

    1. Great idea. Our toddler group has decorated a pin board - we've been invited to add one card for our church family and put a donation in the box alongside (money will go to the local Foodbank)

  6. Your Nativity looks even lovelier this year! We send very few Christmas cards now, and it does make more sense to donate to worthy causes than to pay exorbitant postage. I have bought membership in Jacquie Lawson e-cards for years now and find it easier than addressing vast numbers of envelopes.

    1. The JL cards are beautifully designed - but I still have elderly friends for who the Internet is a foreign country!!


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