Friday, 1 March 2024

Praying For Peace

The Christian women of Palestine were asked to prepare this service about five years ago. At that time, nobody had any idea about what would be happening today. But God knew. Find more about the day of prayer here - and join in the prayers for peace. 


  1. 🙏
    Alison in Wales x

  2. I pray that we can all bear with one another in love. Kx

  3. Are there enough of us praying. There is just so much to pray for, peace, sensible empathetic politicians, loving parents, the list could go on but pray we must and keep the Faith. Sandra.

  4. 🙏🏻Catriona

  5. Praying for Peace. It cannot come soon enough for Palestine and Ukraine.

  6. We're having a Vestry Quiet Day tomorrow. I will print and take some of the bookmarks. Thank you.

  7. What a wonderful idea, just reading about it gives me hope. JanF

    1. Faith, hope, and love remain - the greatest is love

  8. I attended the service in one of our local churches and it was beautiful. I also enjoyed catching up with one or two people from other churches that I hadn't seen in a while. I hadn't been to a World Day of Prayer service for a few years. Next year I hope I shall be able to go again.

  9. May all beings be peaceful!


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