Monday 8 April 2024

We Are Both On Edge

Or to be more precise, both doing the edging on our cross stitch pieces. I have borrowed Kirsten's photos because they have come out so much better than mine.

Each section will be edged in back stitch, using two strands of dark green thread. Then we will work out the border pattern. 
[If you want to find out the details of the 24 individual sections, click in the "cross stitch collaboration" in the labels list on the right] 
I'm trying not to be "on edge" this morning - we both have very early dental appointments.  But Roshan my dentist is definitely the best I've ever had - he is so reassuring, and puts me at my ease as soon as I sit down. [by the way, the phrase "set one's teeth on edge" comes from the Bible, Jeremiah ch 31]


  1. I'm not hurrying - this is a perfect opportunity to practise 'slow stitching ' Good luck at the dentist

  2. They look amazing. What next? Framing and displaying?

  3. Love slow stitching. Recently bought a kit that caught my eye. Pic on my blog.Your dentist sounds a good'un.

  4. Good luck for the dental appointment. The cross stitch collaboration has been very interesting to follow, you have both been so inventive. Regards Sue H

  5. Both pieces are works of art! Good luck at the dentist's!

  6. Beautiful! They are both stunning. Well done you two!

  7. Edging is so difficult and I find that I'm terrible at it! lol Hope you dentist appointment goes well.

  8. Such beautiful work! It must make you proud to see it like that in the lovely photos.
    Happy Tooth Day! JanF

  9. Hope your appointment went well at the dentist and wasn’t too ouch on the purse ! Looking forward to seeing what you design for the border. Catriona

    1. This appt not too bad, future treatment will be very £££ [filling the gap left by January's extraction]

  10. Good luck for both experiences!!! I love your work! I think I'd choose the bottom one if I had to choose a favourite! Which one are you getting? Kxx

    1. Bottom one going to Kirsten - toip one will be mine. I'm glad we stitched A and K right at the beginning, because it would be hard to choose between them I think. They usually cross in the post - it is interesting to compare the two side by side like this,

  11. How lovely to see the (almost) finished postcards! I hope both dental appointments go well.

    1. It went well in that everything is good - but I will have to go back to have something sorted out about the gap following the extraction after Christmas.

  12. Enjoy sewing the finishing touches to your cross-stitch and admiring it's beauty as you sew!Dental appts? Shudder!



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