Friday 19 June 2009

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

DSCF0036 Take one old jacket and an ancient felt hat, found in the back of the cupboard at school. Add some white fabric, some gold lame, a few bits of braid, and a length of lace from The Great Stash plus some feathers.

First - Remove the wire from the brim of the hat, tack it up in three places to make a tricorn, and add some gold trim.

Then wire some of the feathers together [using the wire just removed from the brim] to make a longer feather. Sew in place


Second - Sew some lace to one edge of a rectangle of white fabric. DSCF0038 Gather the other edge, and sew onto a band 2cm x 40cm. Add press studs. This will make a frilled jabot.

Then make some gold lame cuffs for the jacket and trim the collar and lapels with more gold braid.


Voila! an outfit for the Town Crier. DSCF0039

I spent yesterday afternoon with a Teaching Assistant, sorting out the costumes, and I know we have plenty of knickerbockers in the cupboard. I shall let the boy playing the Town Crier choose which ones he wants to wear.

We decided more hats were needed, so I also ran up a half dozen more felt'n'feather ones - but not in Lincoln Green this time - used up more felt from The Great Stash. [which, as Bob pointed out, never seems to get any smaller, no matter how much I use up!]


1 comment:

  1. Breathless with admiration!
    I love the hats.
    I do remember sewing a million sequins onto a fetching little number for Merlin in our school play!


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