Tuesday 23 June 2009

Songs Of Praise [but no Aled Jones!]

DSCF0014 The sun shone really brightly on Sunday afternoon, so I put on a hat and we went off to the SOP service.

This hat is at least 20 years old, it used to belong to my Mum.

It was originally a 'Breton hat' - but this summer, I turned down the brim, and tied on the pretty scarf my sister-in-law Denise gave me breton hat for my birthday.

Bob was wearing his extremely fetching panama hat, looking like he was off to Lords for the cricket. I was surprised that there was not more headgear in evidence. To sit in the sun like that for an hour would give me a headache if I did not have a hat on. However, the assembled company seemed fine, with or without millinery, and the singing was good, and the cream tea was delicious. Thank you Gwen, Brian and co for all the arranging...

That's the church buildings the other side of the wall...


Paul and I were taking photos at the same time! Here's Bob in his hat, looking back at the Sound Tent...


Even then I never managed to get everyone into the pictures.


The service lasted about an hour, and there was lots of singing - favourite hymns chosen and introduced by the Carey Gardens Residents, and input from 4 clergy [two Baptist, two Anglican] - and we had another opportunity to make donations to Tom and Alex and the East Africa Playgrounds.

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute in your hat! I hope a lot of money was raised for the East Africa Playgrounds!


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