Monday, 21 January 2013

What Women Want

According to today’s Daily Mail, here are the top 50 things which allegedly ‘make women feel good’…

  1. A partner giving you a spontaneous cuddle
  2. Comfortable underwear
  3. Someone telling you they think you’ve lost weight
  4. Buying a present for someone which they’re obviously pleased to receive
  5. Wearing sexy underwearlanigan tulips
  6. Finding a bargain
  7. Receiving flowers
  8. Being bought a present
  9. Someone telling you you look younger than you are
  10. A stranger complementing you on your style [I think they mean ‘complimenting’!]
  11. Tucking into a bar of chocolate
  12. Being asked where you bought something
  13. Catching up with old friends
  14. Fitting into an outfit you thought was too small
  15. Reading a brilliant book
  16. Having clean teeth
  17. Having a meal cooked for you
  18. Shopping
  19. Someone noticing you’ve had your hair done
  20. A proper hug from your son/daughter
  21. Getting dressed up for a night out
  22. A sale in your favourite shop
  23. Being told your children are well behaved or clever
  24. A bubble bathbubblebath
  25. Buying a new bottle of perfume
  26. [missing from the list – don’t know why]
  27. Going out for lunch with friends
  28. Winning a debate
  29. Getting praise from the boss
  30. A child thanking you for having them to tea
  31. A spa day
  32. Exercising / playing sport
  33. Showing off a new handbag
  34. The DJ playing your favourite song on a night out
  35. Watching a box set
  36. Your children doing well at school / sport
  37. Taking heels off at the end of the night
  38. Recycling clothes
  39. Eating cheese
  40. Doing a great job at work
  41. Going on a first date
  42. Have a good chat with friends
  43. Watching soap operas
  44. Sharing a bottle of wine with friends
  45. Buying new make up
  46. Having a manicurebbc_radio_two
  47. Shapewear which makes your figure look amazing
  48. Singing along to the radio in your car
  49. Picking up a new skill / hobby
  50. Cleavage enhancing bras

HOWEVER I am afraid I dismissed many of these – some are quite contradictory, some just not part of my lifestyle.

  • I don’t eat cheese
  • I think I have only had one manicure in my life, and one spa day [both fun, but not in my top fifty]
  • ‘going on a first date’ – not done that for over 35 years!
  • does ‘The Archers’ count as a soap opera?
  • looking at 2, 5,47 and 50 – sexy, ‘cleavage enhancing’ and shapewear are often not comfortable!
  • shopping, new makeup, new handbag – don’t fit in with my frugal habits.
  • if you eat the chocolate [11] you won't have clean teeth [16]

BUT I do like cuddles and hugs, especially spontaneous ones, from family and friends. I love giving presents [especially making them, rather than buying them] and catching up with old friends. Reading good books and learning new skills definitely bring great pleasure. Recycling and finding bargains are also high on my list.

What else makes me feel good? in no special order, a few things from my list [which is far longer than fifty items…]

  • The first, and last, cup of tea of the day
  • Riding my bicycle
  • Feeling that somebody has been helped by a lesson I’ve taught or sermon I’ve preached.
  • Getting into a bed with freshly laundered sheets
  • All the family around the meal table at Cornerstones
  • Watching meteor showers
  • Marmite on toast
  • Finishing a craft project
  • An evening with Bob undisturbed by meetings or phonecalls.
  • Smiles and hugs at the end of a long journey.
  • Hymn singing








What makes YOU feel good?


  1. I heard Chris Evans discussing the list on the radio this morning - he read out the top 10 and both underwear choices caused debate!
    On my list would be:
    - Being thanked by my students as they leave the classroom (I've been at my school for a term now and I don't think it's ever going to get any less great )
    - Talking to my parents
    - Curling up on the sofa with my husband and watching a good film
    - A (rare!) meal out
    - Worshipping with my friends
    I think I've got a lot to be very happy with!

  2. May I put this on facebook?? Better chance Prince Charming will see it there!

    1. What are you hoping for - cheese. chocolate or underwear??

  3. Fantastic post Angela, I'm going to do a link and have a go at this one! x

  4. Oh, but the new (to me)handbag is one I really identified with! I have inherited a love of handbags from my stylish mum... who used to go and stare at her handbags, even when she wasn't using them. I paid TWELVE WHOLE POUNDS for a second hand leather handbag this summer (which horrified me, I admit). But it was worth it. I agree with you about clean sheets.

  5. Having a cup of tea in bed (made and brought up by DH) before I start the day.
    Love from Mum

  6. When Chris offers to cook dinner!
    Jane x

  7. I too was struck by the clash of comfortable underwear vs. sexy - they seem to be mutually exclusive (and I'm old enough to prefer comfort). :)

    On my list would be:
    ~Every cup of tea
    ~Cinnamon toast
    ~Riding my bike
    ~Reading a good book (and the Good Book)
    ~Looking at trees and sky and water
    ~Christmas lights (our tree is still up)
    ~Cooking a good meal
    ~Mr. M doing the dishes after I cook
    ~Having a meal cooked for me - decidedly!
    ~Seeing what people make from my crochet designs
    ~Climbing into a bed pre-warmed by Mr. M
    ~Discovering new crochet stitches and the best ways to use them
    ~Listening to the music of Bach and Handel, and knowing that one day I'll get to meet them
    ~Singing hymns with well-thought-out lyrics
    ~Singing in parts

    Gosh, it's hard to stop once you get going, isn't it? I feel very thankful that all of these things are within easy reach.

  8. Very thought provoking Angela!
    I so agree about the delights of climbing into a bed with clean lavender scented sheets.
    A hot water bottle would go on my list!

  9. i agree with your list, not the evening with Bob, but it would have to be XO Marmite on homemade wholemeal or soughdough bread toasted. Oh and I like starting a craft project just as much as finishing one. and then of course there is that visit to the loo when your legs have been crossed for what seems like days.

  10. Urgh, cleveage-enhancing underwear= painful!!!
    Nice list, I like yours:
    What would mine include:
    1. Yes, first cup of tea of the day and the one when I get home from school (except I make an entire pot for myself!)
    2. Breathing in sea air.
    3. That chlorine smell at the swimming poool.
    4. My school choir when they perform- always a lovely sound!
    5. Playing Ravel orchestral flute parts!
    ...oh so many things!
    6. The hissed 'Yessssssssss' I hear when child gets a piece of music right that they have been struggling with it all lesson, to play correctly!

    I agree with cheese- I really really like epoisses now- mmmmmm! Not blue cheese though!


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