We had a fabulous time in London. I spent a lot of time on buses, ferrying Jess to and from nursery. This gave me a fair bit of 'thinking' time, in between singing [softly] Wheels On The Bus and other songs to keep her occupied.

- too long, so you got wrinkles not smooth lines
- too short, so you were incredibly uncomfortable all day
- with ineffective poppers- so you often returned from a trip to the loo, unaware that you had a tail flapping at the back, instead of being tucked in and popped shut
Question 2 - packing - why is something ALWAYS omitted?
I put trainers and socks out, plus my sandals. It was hot the day we travelled- I wore my sandals - and left my shoes and socks at home. Thus Friday I was very cold, wet feet. Meanwhile Bob travelled in jeans and took shorts. The day we returned he wore his shorts- but left his jeans behind in London.
Question 3 - why does every baby's buggy have a different folding technique? Even the lovely staff member at the nursery who helped me get Jess ready had a struggle "I have two children myself - and neither of them had a buggy like this"
Especially good moments
- Time with Bob to stroll in the city, enjoy art galleries, and eat falafels in the sunshine
- Time to read stories with Jess, and teach her new nursery rhymes.
- Time to chat with Rosie about her school topic [Civil Rights] and hear her explain why she thinks Martin Luther King was a good man.
Best remarks from the girls
As we struggled to persuade Jess to have a bath before bedtime, Rosie said "How can I help you with this, Grandma"
When I arrived at Nursery to collect Jess, she turned round, saw me in the doorway, and cried "Grandparents! Yay!" and threw her arms in the air.
But now we are home again, and Julian is with us for a few days holiday. There was a parcel waiting in the box when we got home on Saturday afternoon. Someone had returned a couple of books Bob had lent - one contained this bookmark
'please return it as soon as you can' it says. They only had it about 10 years! Better late than never. I was aware these books were missing when we packed to move in 2015 [but assumed they were misplaced] then in Dorset looked for them again, and vaguely remembered lending them, but not to whom.
What is the longest you have waited for an item to be returned?
My parents had so many people staying when they lived in Cornwall that they had to set a number of 'house rules'. One was that the visitors had to entertain themselves during the day (my parents had their own busy lives and work!) and another, most important, was that you had to drop a pound coin into the tankard on the hall table to pay for posting back whatever you had lept behind, although they drew the line at sending a heavy dressing gown back to relatives in USA!
ReplyDeleteThat is a very long time to wait for an item to be returned! I'm sure you enjoyed your time in London, even with mishaps like forgotten shoes and jeans. :) I haven't gone anywhere to pack a bag in years! I probably wouldn't even know how to, anymore! :D
DeleteI like the idea of a Returns Fund for Things Left Behind (suddenly remembered an old joke with punchline "I left my harp in Sam Clam's Disco". I will be humming that all day now)
ReplyDeleteAh, glad you had a jolly time!
ReplyDeleteYour grandchildren are lovely!
I ALWAYS leave something at my Dad's house! Without fail!
We very rarely have visitors staying. Mainly because the house is usually a mess and we are rubbish at forward planning! It'snice when we do though. That said, I'm SO glad C didn't host a party for his work colleagues this year as I'm usually having to clean and tidy very late in the days before!
That's called Living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) Kezzie,!!
DeleteI was really struck by Rosie's question, "How can I help you with this, Grandma". She is going to grow up to be a wise woman, not jumping in with her own solution in a crisis but giving the other person a chance to identify what they would find helpful!
ReplyDeleteNo body suits for me ever again as they were so annoying the first time around.
ReplyDeleteMartin Luther King was a very good man.