Friday 21 July 2023

Summer Puddings

It has been great having Julian to stay this week. We've enjoyed some good food together, both eating out, and meals at home. 
Guests are a good excuse to make fun desserts. We bought Clotted Cream and I made scones one afternoon. Seeing my splendid rhubarb growing in the garden, J. mentioned that he liked rhubarb. So I made a rhubarb crumble [or was it a crisp?] using this recipe for the topping. Served with more CC
And we had a meal round at
Adrian and Marion's place. I took a banoffi pie for dessert.
Ruby Tandoh has a version with salt, coffee and cardamom - to reduce the cloying sweetness often associated with this treat. I didn't have pecans around, so replaced the nuts in the base with cornflakes [trust me, it works] and drizzled chocolate sauce on top. 


  1. They all sound delicious! Summer puddings for me have to be cold desserts that don't require the oven to be switched on! I'm fine with something that requires to be cooked on top of the stove, but, it's too hot to bake! :)

    1. Of course the best summer pudding is ice cream pure and simple!

  2. Your desserts look good!
    CBC used to teach R.T's sister. R.T went to his school before he was there.
    I'm not overly fond of Banoffeepie but yours sounds tasty!!!
    I'm glad that Julian has been with you!x

  3. Scones. What a delightful treat. They truly are one of my favorite indulgences. So happy you've had a wonderful time with Julian.

    1. Scones - however pronounced - are lovely

  4. All goodies look delicious and As we are a nut free family I will try the cornflakes instead. Catriona

    1. Don't crush them too much, so they leave a bit of crunch

  5. Having such a sweet tooth I could polish off any of those lovely treats - and clotted cream is soooo good!
    Alison in Wales x


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