Sunday 2 July 2023

Sabbath Rest

I would not be surprised to discover that my friend Christine bought my the calendar just for the July picture! We have not had a get-together for weeks, as we have both been so busy. Chris is a volunteer in the bookshop, and does exam invigilation at my old school, so her days have been very full lately too.

Some verses from Psalm 127

It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late,
    and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don’t you know God enjoys
    giving rest to those he loves?

The Psalm also goes on to say "Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a real blessing" . I have been very conscious of that this past week. My own daughters have been so thoughtful and caring, and I am truly grateful for them - and my own grandchildren, and those of other people, have brought much joy and laughter [and also total exhaustion some evenings, if I am honest!] 

Here are pictures from the last few days - dressing up day, going to the prom, enjoying food, getting out the Sylvania and PlayMobil.

I have known folk who regard Sunday/Sabbath as the day of NO - no TV, no shopping, no playing outside, no 'work' of any sort] because it is The Holy Day Of Rest. I prefer to think of it as the day when I can step back and say YES - yes to being able to worship freely, yes to being able to meet with friends, yes to enjoying good food in good company, yes to enjoying the beauty of creation and creativity., and most of all yes to resting, to recreation and re-creation. After all, in Mark's Gospel, we read the words of Jesus

The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath.

Just stop for a moment, and breathe, and count your blessings...


  1. I hope your Sabbath gives you rest! I'm spending this one at a rehearsal in London and wishing that I'd not said yes to it! I need the rest and I'm sad to miss church. (I got an 8.31 train). I did have a fairly relaxed day yesterday though!x

    1. Hope you get some rest today Kezzie!

    2. The radio 4 service was excellent, you could join that on catch up

  2. Well I'm definitely supporting the Sabbath today! Was asked to help out my ex-boss's daughter and her four children last week because her nanny and her housekeeper were on holiday! I also babysat for them on Friday night so my week finished at 11pm! Also had my grandchildren on Thursday since our schools are on hols now. Then my sister asked for help with her yardsale yesterday!Late last night my son sent me pics from the Whittington in London where they had to take the 3yr old yesterday after he fell and gashed his knee while they were attending a memorial service for my daughter-in-law's friend's father.They didn't get back to the Air B'nB till very late. So yes, I'm glad it's Sunday, the day of rest!Love all your pics.x

  3. Those two dressed up young ladies are beyond cute!
    Enjoy your day of rest, recreation, and re-creating! :)

    1. They were so excited to see Grandad in a wig too!

  4. I like to think of the Sabbath as a day to enjoy God in worship, to enjoy any friends and family around and to abstain from any kind of work that is not enjoyable! So sometimes I may feel like sewing or gardening or even cooking something different, if I'm in the mood.

    1. Exactly. Yesterday afternoon I baked a couple of cakes, and listened to a radio play. It was really relaxing (Bob was enjoying the Grand Prix on TV)


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