Monday 31 July 2023

Eating Out

 Just some pictures from recent days on the theme of Eating Out
A sculpture of a cheerful diner on the pavement just round the corner for Jess's nursery
A cheeky pigeon who came and ate the crumbs from my scone as we sat on the Terrace at Tate Modern, having visited the Mondrian exhibition

Strumpshaw Tree Fair with Julian - excellent burgers, huge portions of chips, served in the sunshine

My pastel de nata in Leon looked rather like an alien, with those almond eyes


  1. Pigeons seem to have no shame at all! I love that statue!

    1. We weren't deliberately feeding them - they just swooped down. Clearly they recognise it's a spot where they will find scraps

  2. I am not so keen on pigeons swooping down, but I enjoy watching sparrows cheekily hopping round restaurant tables when we eat outside. They have obviously worked out the best places to find scraps. Love FD xx

    1. "Flying rat" is a frequent description

  3. We have sea gulls here and they are exactly the same. Very bold!

  4. We have done too much eating out!!! The pigeons made me laugh! Kx

  5. At first I thought the pigeon was another sculpture. That would be interesting on a restaurant's outdoor table! I'm not familiar with a pastel de nata. Will have to Google it.

    1. They are Portuguese Custard Tarts. Creamy and delicious

  6. This was a fun post! I enjoyed seeing all the "eating out" photos!


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